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Cen Xirui looked at her silently for a while, the girl didn't give her a look, he had to withdraw his gaze, cleaned up the rice bowl by the bed, he turned and walked out.

Smelly man, really gone?

Cui Ling sat up from the bed and got up too fiercely. She was not in good health. She turned around in an instant, and she subconsciously pressed her left hand on her forehead.

Cen Xirui had no choice but to throw the trash back, and went to the toilet by the way. When she came back, she saw Cui Lingyue sitting on the bed very uncomfortably, her face returning to pale.


Hearing the voice of a familiar man, Cui Lingyue slowly raised his head, widened his eyes, and said in surprise: "You haven't left?"

After she asked, she felt a little awkward again, turned around and muttered in a low voice: "Who asked you to stay!"

Cen Xirui sat on the edge of her bed, stretched out her hand and rubbed her head, and said helplessly: "This little temper, what should I do with you?"

Cui Lingyue looked at him unconvinced: "That's what you are used to."

Cen Xirui couldn't help but bend the corner of her mouth, and said in her tone: "Okay, I'm used to it."

There must be a solution for the two people's affairs, and it cannot be dragged on like this forever.

After all, Cen Xirui is an adult man who is about to forty years old. He thinks about a lot of things and cannot be as impulsive as Cui Lingyue.

Not even her courage.

So, he was silent for a few seconds and asked: "Yueyue, what do you think?"

Is this taking the initiative to showdown with her?

Cui Lingyue stared at him with eyes wide open.

Cen Xirui said with great patience: "First of all, we are a teenager. Have you ever thought that I will get old in the future, what will you do?"

"Also, I am a person of your parents' generation. If we are together, do you know what others will think of us?"

"So?" Cui Lingyue blinked his eyes as he looked at him, and asked, "Is this the reason why two people can't be together?"

"Why should we care about others?"

"Men are a dozen years older than women. There are many streets everywhere. Why should I consider these?"

It can only be said that Cui Lingyue is still young. With these two items, Cen Xirui is already a headache, not to mention there are more things that he can't face.

Cui Lingyue watched him not speak, and tentatively asked, "Or do you care more about... her opinion?"

"What did she tell you last night?"

"Have you seen it?" Cen Xirui thought that Cui Lingyue fell asleep last night. She didn't even know the conversation between him and Hou Jingyi.

Cui Lingyue gave a wry smile: "Aren't you trying to hide it from me?"

After she finished speaking, she laughed at herself again, and her voice suddenly became indifferent: "Cen Xirui, if you don't like me, go now. I don't want you to stay here pretentiously."

"Really driving me away?" Cen Xirui looked at her with heavy eyes.

The girl's face was pale, her feet were wrapped in thick gauze, and there was an infusion bottle hanging from her arm.

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