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The more Jiang Chengzhan's sober days are about to come, Su Wanwan's heart becomes more and more bottomless, expecting him to get better soon, but also can't help but worry inexplicably.

This ambivalence made her not rest well these days.

The Jiang family had been ill for almost a month, and she took Jiang Chengzhan over and was stopped by Xu Hongmei without seeing anyone.

Saying that the old man is recuperating and can't be disturbed.

The original book didn't describe the old man's illness much, and Su Wanwan didn't know what illness he had.

But after all, people in their eighties, anything wrong may happen.

Su Wanwan only hopes that Jiang Chengzhan will get well soon, and it is best to pick up the old man.

Recently, the company has been constantly moving. The old man is in poor health. Jiang Chengzhan is stupid. Jiang Yushen is in charge of the overall situation. In order to completely change the previous board structure, the senior management has changed drastically for several times.

Su Wanwan was secretly anxious, wondering if Jiang Chengzhan could get back the company smoothly if he went back.

However, she has also done a lot of work and has been helping and supervising. When Jiang Chengzhan wakes up, she will definitely be able to help him.

Su Wanwan was anxious for two more days, and finally it was the day when Jiang Chengzhan woke up.

In the morning, she washed and ate breakfast and rushed to the hospital with Jiang Chengzhan.

Before going to the hospital, she took Jiang Chengzhan to a place where no one was there and said, "Zhanbao is the most obedient, isn't it?"

Jiang Chengzhan wore a blue half-sleeve and gray trousers today. The ordinary clothes could not conceal his good figure. He was tall and straight with wide shoulders and narrow waist.

Others are good-looking, with star-brows and sword-eyed eyes, and three-dimensional faces. If they are not acting stupidly and stupidly, I don't know how many little girls will be sad.

It's just that the little tugging on the head is a bit contrary.

Jiang Chengzhan nodded, hehe smirked: "Of course Zhanbao is the most obedient, the most listened to late."

Su Wan nodded late, stretched out her hand and rubbed her nose. She pulled Jiang Chengzhan and bent down, leaning close to his ear and said: "Zhanbao, you remember to pretend to be unconscious after you are awake for a while, OK?"

Jiang Chengzhan frowned and looked at her ignorantly.

Like a butterfly's sudden change, Su Wanwan looked at Jiang Chengzhan. For a while, he was like a normal person. I don't know what it would be like.

There was expectation in my heart, and some vaguely worried.

She said again: "Just for a while, if you can be good for a while, don't show it yet. The company's affairs are still waiting for you to deal with, and grandpa...do you understand?"

Jiang Chengzhan's eyes drifted a little, and he looked at her quietly. For a moment, Su Wanwan felt that he was now sober again.

After a long while, Jiang Chengzhan nodded, again with that silly look: "Zhanbao knows, Zhanbao knows."

Su Wanwan was still worried: "Can't you tell anyone about this?"

Jiang Chengzhan didn't hesitate this time, and nodded very happily.

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