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Jiang Yushen has been following Su Wanwan and Jiang Chengzhan recently, wanting to see what they are doing.

He didn't believe that Su Wanwan could be honest forever, there must be some tricks waiting for him.

Today, I heard that Su Wan took Jiang Chengzhan out at night. He had a hunch that something must be going on, so he rushed over.

Sure enough, he guessed it right.

Su Wanwan even contacted Zhou's youngest son, didn't he want to do something?

Jiang Chengzhan is stupid now, he is not afraid at all, but Su Wanwan came to Jiang's house so suddenly, he really couldn't figure it out.

Later, after leaving Jiang's house, he always thought that Su Wanwan would do something, but in the end he asked his tutor to go out and splurge, which was naive and outrageous.

Seeing her come to meet Zhou Tao now, the thoughts in her heart are gradually implemented, and she can't stand it anymore.

Of course, Jiang Yushen had two guesses in his heart. One was that Su Wanwan asked for help, and the other was that Su Wanwan could not keep it. After all, no one could keep it with a fool.

The Zhou family's youngest son is handsome, his tongue is smooth and he will please girls, which woman doesn't love?

At first, she suspected that she would hook up with her ex-boyfriend. Now it seems that she might have set her sights on others. Isn't Zhou Tao also her classmate this time?

Zhou Tao was still teasing Jiang Chengzhan. As soon as he looked up, he saw a man standing next to him. He was a little familiar, and he quickly reacted. Isn't this the person Su Wanwan asked him to follow?

Jiang Chengzhan also noticed Jiang Yushen this time, remembering how he beat him a few days ago, and immediately shrank and hid behind him.

Jiang Yushen looked at him with a sneer, and sat down where Su Wanwan had sat before, and first explained his own intentions, "I passed by here, and happened to see..." He tapped Jiang Chengzhan with his chin, "I am here. Nephew, he has a bad brain, I'll come in and have a look."

Zhou Tao stared at him for a few seconds. He usually reacted quickly. He would watch his nose and his heart and say: "You are Mr. Jiang's brother, and I am his wife's classmate. I will also call you uncle."

Jiang Yu nodded deeply: "Young Master Zhou is free."

He looked at Jiang Chengzhan curiously, "What are you talking about?"

Jiang Chengzhan just hid behind his mouth, "Nothing, nothing, nothing."

Zhou Tao didn't care and said, "I'm joking with Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Yu curiously asked, "What's the joke?"

Zhou Tao: "I said Mr. Jiang's wife was not good to him, Mr. Jiang said he was good to him, uncle, who do you think I was right with Mr. Jiang?"

Without waiting for Jiang Yushen to pick it up, he said: "Look, his wife wouldn't even give him a green hat. How could it be better."

Jiang Yushen: "..."

He couldn't help but snorted. He looked at Jiang Chengzhan's mouth with a sneer and smiled, "Chengzhan, what Zhou Gongzi said is not true, right?"

Jiang Chengzhan fought **** reason: "He said nonsense, he will definitely give it away late, but it hasn't arrived yet."

Zhou Tao disdainfully said: "Mr Jiang must be deceiving himself, you are stupid, and your wife is just fooling you."

Jiang Yushen also agreed: "That's right, I don't think I have one heart with you, otherwise let her prove it."

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