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After a series of examinations, the doctor made a diagnosis: "Mrs. Jiang, your husband has not been sick for one or two days. Do you know if your oil is exhausted?"

Su Wanwan took Jiang Chengzhan and Xu Hongmei to listen to the doctor's diagnosis, "The various organs of the human body are like those machines that keep running. They have a service life and will stop working one day.

The old man's disease is like this. Now doctors can only try to delay the expiration time of those machines, but they can't make them work like new machines. "

Su Wanwan understood that Elder Jiang is over eighty years old after all, and to put it bluntly, his life span is up.

Thinking of his bereaved wife in his youth, bereaved in old age, and his only beloved grandson in his later years was still stupid, he has been able to survive until now.

I thought of seeing his skinny look just now, and I felt uncomfortable for a while.

She had only a father before, and she had never experienced this kind of birth, old age, sickness or death of relatives, but she knew that grandpa was the person who loved Jiang Chengzhan the most in the world. If he was gone, Jiang Chengzhan would be truly alone in the future.

When Jiang Chengzhan heard the doctor's words, he became anxious: "What should I do? Grandpa will die? Doctor, you must have a way. We are rich, we are rich. You must save my grandpa."

The doctor looked at him embarrassedly: "I really tried my best, now I should try my best to focus on recuperation."

Jiang Chengzhan took Su Wanwan's arm and refused to follow him: "My wife, please tell the doctor quickly, let him save Grandpa."

"Let him save Grandpa."

Su Wanwan felt sad, but on the surface she still pretended to be calm, grabbing his hand and comforting him: "Don't worry, the doctor will definitely try your best. Don't worry, don't worry."

Jiang Chengzhan watched Su Wanwan for a few seconds, and suddenly left her to go out angrily, "I'm going to see Grandpa."

"Hey, Zhanbao--" Su Wanwan looked back at the doctor, a little embarrassed, bent over and nodded, turned and chased after him.

"Zhanbao, don't worry, don't worry." Su Wanwan caught up with Jiang Chengzhan and took his arm, "Grandpa is getting older, and it's normal to be in poor health. Don't worry."

When Jiang Chengzhan entered the ward, the old man just woke up and looked at Jiang Chengzhan with cloudy eyes. It took him a long time to realize that it was his precious grandson.

In fact, he found out that he was ill when his son was still alive, but at that time his son was seriously ill and his grandson had no foundation, so he could only hold on.

The company has always been managed by his son. He has let go for many years. Seeing that his grandson took over the company and did a good job, he thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Go underground early to meet the old woman. She has been waiting alone for decades.


The only precious grandson also had a car accident, how did he accept this?

The company really doesn't have the energy to deal with it, so it can only be handed over to the younger son, just hoping that the grandson will survive.

He just stayed so dry, waiting and looking forward, hoping that his grandson would get better soon so that he could be strong enough to protect himself.


The old man stretched out his hand to signal Jiang Chengzhan to go over. He didn't know what Jiang Chengzhan was thinking, and stood in a daze.

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