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Su Wanwan took a step back and drew a clear line with Zhou Tao: "Well, I already know where the bracelet is, you can go back wherever you come."

Zhou Tao sneered: "Su Wanwan, you can really do it, you can cross the river and demolish the bridge faster than anyone else."

Su Wanwan asked, "What do you want if you don't demolish the bridge?"

People are already married, Zhou Tao really can't do anything about it. In fact, he doesn't have any heartbeat anymore. He was unconvinced when he lost the dice before, and he was enslaved by the couple for another year. He always wanted to find a chance to respond to her. .

"It's not too much, can I be happy in my heart, Xiaoye?"

Su Wan gave him a white look, turned and walked towards the entrance, and at the same time texted Cui Lingyu, "When you arrive, tell me that I have separated from Zhou Tao. Don't let Jiang Chengzhan know."

Cui Lingyue sent her an OK emoticon.

The charity party is about to begin soon. Su Wanwan was waiting at the entrance while watching in. It was the first time she came to the auction, and she didn't know what it would be like.

I've seen it on TV before that two people are pushing the price to death in order to shoot the same item. She feels it hurts. Today, I don't know if that kind of stupid drama will be staged.

Cui Lingyue didn't wait, but Zhou Tao came here first. He wore a casual suit with both hands and pockets. He walked up to her like a second-rate man, blew a whistle, and then asked: "Does your husband know this? ?"

"You need to take care of it," Su Wanwan looked at him displeasedly, always vigilant, "Why are you here again?"

Zhou Tao raised his eyebrows: "What are you going to do about the bracelet for a while?"

What else can I do now, of course I bought it, "I'll take it myself, a big deal."

Zhou Tao snorted and said with a grin: "Then I wish you good luck."

Zhou Tao left after finishing talking. Su Wanwan silently calculated in her heart that she could take a picture of a bracelet of one million yuan, even if she gritted her teeth, the small treasury might lose some points.

Oh, the meat hurts, why did Jiang Chengzhan buy such an expensive bracelet?

When Jiang Chengzhan first asked, she didn't confess what she had lost. Is it too late to talk about it now?

"Yeah, isn't this seduce my cousin that woman?" Suddenly a voice of abuse came, and Su Wanwan subconsciously turned his head and saw Zhang Keke walking over with a woman.

Ever since Zhang Keke acquiesced that she was a woman who could enter Zhou's house, and then knew that she had a husband, every time she saw her, she would ridicule.

Today, I have to come over to have a mouthful from a long distance.

Su Wanwan imitated her, and said in a weird manner: "This is not right for you, but I have a very clear point. You should ask your cousin, why is your vision so bad? You have to stare at a knot. Married woman?"

Zhang Keke ignored her and only said to the woman who was holding her arm: "Sister, just her. She has two straight boats with her feet. She has a husband and is unclear with my cousin."

Zhang Keke has a quick mouth and doesn't change his mind very much. Su Wanwan doesn't bother to deal with her.

But today I feel uncomfortable.

The woman next to Zhang Keke is very beautiful, the kind of dignified beauty. She wears a red dress, full of temperament, and she is overwhelming the audience. Not only men like it, but even women like it, and even jealous.

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