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I was questioned by a fool, and what the key people said was all right. Zhang Dandan felt that she, a famous university student, had no place to hold herself. She really wanted to get rid of it, but thought of the training fee, which was the highest she had received since taking a part-time job. Of course I can't bear it.

So after hesitating, I decided to apologize to Su Wanwan first: "I'm sorry, I didn't figure it out. This will definitely not happen next time."

Zhang Dandan has a melon-seeded face, looks quite quiet and delicate, and is more pleasing to the eye. She has also performed very well in the past two days. She can understand such a mistake suddenly.

But what she didn't understand was being fooled, so she said seriously: "Then check if you are uncertain in the future, don't let me learn the wrong knowledge."

"It's definitely not going to happen again," Zhang Dandan promised.

The study continued, Su Wanwan was always relatively quiet, listening to the teacher.

There is also a bodybuilding session today, and the teacher is also invited to the home. She deliberately cleaned up a room as a gym, and she had a good posture.

But I don't know what's wrong. I was very interested, but after seeing the teacher, I couldn't be interested anymore.

Until the teacher finished teaching her to leave, her emotions were not adjusted.

After dinner in the evening, as night fell, Su was lying on the sofa on the balcony, with his hands behind his head, looking at the stars outside.

The breeze of the night blew her tulle dress, raising the corners of her dress, revealing her fair and tender skin.

She is not in the mood to care about those now, but feels a little sad inexplicably.

Jiang Chengzhan was sitting not far from her and tinkering with her cell phone. Su Wanwan glanced at him and felt even more sad.

The man is good-looking, his profile is clearly trimmed under the faint halo, his profile is clear, and his appearance is handsome.

The eyebrows are beautiful, the eyes are like thick ink, the nose is high, and the lips are thin and sexy.

From her angle, no flaws can be seen.

I couldn't help but sighed: Why is there such a handsome man in the world?

To talk about the shortcomings, it is probably that his head is so small.

Think about myself again. I haven't read the book for a few days. I have lived a rough life all year round. I have never even thought about the meaning of life. As long as I have enough three meals a day, she feels very happy to live.

But now, if you want money and money, you want leisure and leisure, the original owner is beautiful, but there are really no extravagances.

But today, she suddenly found herself like a funnel that would never be satisfied.

But I don't know what I want, but I'm very upset and melancholy, and I'm stuck in my heart, and I can't tell what it feels like.

However, she has always been an optimist, and her emotions come and go quickly. After a while, she will be in a good mood.

Thinking about what to eat tomorrow, she is learning to make cakes recently. Jiang Chengzhan likes the cakes she makes. She wants to make more cakes tomorrow.

Hearing the phone beeping twice, she took it from the small table next to it. It turned out that Wang Xiuyan sent a message to tell her the time of the class reunion.

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