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Everyone used to say that the newly born baby was cute and beautiful. Su Wanwan cried after seeing the phone photo Jiang Chengzhan gave her.

Why is it so ugly?

"Wife, what's the matter?" Jiang Chengzhan asked distressedly, seeing the distorted expression on her face.

Guessing that she is worried about the child, she comforted: "The doctor said it's fine, it's okay, don't worry."

The child was sent to the observation room when he was born. After all, you have to be careful with twins.

Su Wanwan shook her head, her voice aggrieved, she gave birth to two such ugly children with so much effort, what about inheriting the good genes of her and Jiang Chengzhan?

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chengzhan was even more worried, "Is it unwell?"

Su Wanwan still shook his head: "No, it's them, so ugly!"

After she said the ugly word, she started crying again, "How can it be so ugly, the skin is all pulled together."

Jiang Chengzhan frowned and looked at Su Wanwan with a puzzled face. Didn't the child even change his aesthetics at the end of his life?

"Wife, even the doctor praises that the baby is beautiful, what do you think?"

He took the phone and pointed to her: "Look at how slippery the skin is, the hair is dark and dense, and the eyes are so beautiful, just like you."

"Really?" Su Wanwan thought along his thoughts, and really thought the two babies in the photo looked better.

I thought that maybe my mind was not quite clear after the operation.

"By the way, you have just finished the operation. Take a break first. You can't keep looking at the phone," he took the phone back and put it back.

Su Wanwan is still a little worried: "Is it safe for the child to put the incubator? Don't be stolen."

That was how she finally gave birth.

Jiang Chengzhan is quite relieved about this. He has sent several bodyguards, and there are surveillance everywhere. The current society is not like before, where anyone can do anything.

"It's okay, I'll let people watch, don't worry."

I had an operation for more than 40 minutes in the operating room just now, and it came out in less than an hour after the postoperative suture was included.

The current medical treatment is really advanced.

It was a little **** looking at such a long needle when I was taking anaesthetics, and then everything was better.

The doctor was still talking to her, asking her about her height and weight. She was not too clear-headed at the time, but she still knew that the doctor was talking to her. When she returned, she heard a loud cry.

"The first child, a boy, is 55 in height, weighs five catties in twos, and was born 12.58."

"Let me have a look."

Su Wanwan heard the doctor talking to her, turned his head and glanced at it. There was only a vague shadow, and he said.

Soon I heard a cry again: "Second child, girl, height 50, weight 4 catties nine taels."

"Both of them are healthy, so pack them and take them out!"

Su Wanwan could hear the doctor talking to her throughout the whole process, but his brain was slow to respond and didn't quite understand what it meant.

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