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Wearing thin clothes in summer, two young men and women are so noisy together, their skins are close to each other, and before the fine and dense electric current feels like they begin to linger between the two people.

At first, Jiang Chengzhan's eyes reddened, and he stared at Su Wanwan unblinkingly.

Su Wanwan was very nervous, and his body became soft when he noticed the flames in his eyes.

She pressed against his body, obviously felt something, her pretty face blushed, and she couldn't help but scream.

Su Wanwan bit her lip, the man didn't move, she didn't move, and the two of them stood in a stalemate.

Su Wanwan carefully counted that she had been married to Jiang Chengzhan for more than half a month, but the two people lived in harmony, happy every day, and forgot everything.

After carefully recalling the past, she found that after being with Jiang Chengzhan, it turned out to be the happiest day in her life.

This will look down at Jiang Chengzhan.

The breath of each other is entangled, the temperature in the room is getting higher and hotter, the air is getting more and more viscous, and there is an indescribable smell everywhere.

From the first night on, Su Wanwan was the dominant player, and today is no exception.

Don't look at people being stupid, the sturdy Huns are unambiguous at all. This person didn't know what sexiness was like before, and there was no hormonal swelling everywhere!

Su Wanwan kept kissing from his thin lips, and Jiang Chengzhan cried out in pain: "My wife, Zhanbao can't stand it."

"I know, I know," Su Wanwan returned.


There is no shortage of food and drink every day, and there is no need to make money. The key is to play a little game of pretending to be a family. Su Wanwan thinks this is probably the pinnacle of her life!

After finishing with Jiang Chengzhan, Su Wanwan didn't have any strength all over, and after taking a shower, he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

As for stealing his diary in the middle of the night, she had long been thrown behind her head.

Jiang Chengzhan was physically better than her, and after finishing the work, he found a small book to write a diary.

Cham Po's Diary:

Today my wife was angry and tied Zhan Bao's wrists.

The wife said that she was my queen, and she would be up there from now on. Zhan Bao was worried that his wife would continue to be angry, so she gave in.

Is Zhan Bao very good?

However, Zhanbao also had a happy thing today. His wife didn't let Zhanbao wear a condom.

That thing is so uncomfortable, every time it feels so uncomfortable, it seems to be far away from his wife.

Not today, so comfortable.

But my wife looks so tired, but in fact, there is nothing good about it. Every time she is tired to death.

Since the wife likes it, let her be on top in the future.

If Su Wanwan, who is sleeping, knows what Jiang Chengzhan has written, he has to take his skin off.

The next morning, they both got up very late. When Su Wanwan woke up, Jiang Chengzhan was sleeping soundly. She didn't call him up, thinking about going out to buy some breakfast.

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