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After Jiang Chengzhan entered the house, he planned to change his shoes and put his bag on the hallway as usual. However, the woman suddenly ran over like a gust of wind. First, he bent down and picked up a pair of slippers and put them in front of him. The handbag was picked up and placed in the hallway.

Then put his hands in front of his abdomen, looked at him with a smile and blinked.

Jiang Chengzhan was startled, and he wanted to remind her to be careful, now that it is a pregnant woman, don't forget to run so fast.

Since bringing a woman back, she has never been as enthusiastic as she is today. Jiang Chengzhan was a little flattered and looked at her puzzled. Isn't there a trap?

"What are you doing in a daze, put on shoes," Su Wanwan watched the man poking there and urged, "I made my own dinner for today's dinner, don't you keep talking about it?"

Jiang Chengzhan: "..."

After a few seconds, he quickly changed his shoes to wash his hands. When he came to the living room, Su Wanwan had everything ready and was holding his chopsticks and was about to pass it to him.

Is the enthusiasm for this service a bit high?

Jiang Chengzhan glanced at her, then glanced at the chair before sitting down.

In the past, when he was in school, his classmates would put glue or nails on the chairs for jokes. He thought that with Su Wanwan's personality, he could do it completely.

If Su Wanwan knew that his heart activity had to strangle him, "Here is the chopsticks, you have to try the ribs first, don't you think it's delicious?"

Jiang Chengzhan took the chopsticks blankly. The woman smiled softly, but maybe she was hiding a knife in her smile, and she would surprise him later, "Wife, you do this, I'm very..." scared.

"What is it?" Su Wanwan asked, eager to know what his mood is now.

Jiang Chengzhan looked at her smiling harmlessly, and changed her mouth again, "It's very unnatural, my wife, is it because we don't have enough servants?"

Su Wanwan pulled him down to sit down, "Can't you survive if you don't make up for it?"

She picked up a piece of spare ribs and handed it to Jiang Chengzhan, looking expectantly, "Taste it and see what it tastes like?"

Jiang Chengzhan tentatively opened his mouth to take it over. Although Su Wanwan's cooking skills are mediocre, but it fits his tone, he nodded and praised: "It's delicious."

Su Wanwan was satisfied, and gave him another bite of the steamed fish, "Try this again..."

The woman is so attentive, Jiang Chengzhan thinks he has to examine his recent behavior carefully. Isn't Su Wanwan alluding to something?

After thinking about it, is it because the money given is not enough to spend?

"My wife, the card that I gave you before is unlimited. You can swipe it whatever you want."

But on another thought, Su Wanwan didn't seem to be a careless woman, and she hadn't received much reminder of her consumption recently.

Su Wanwan sat opposite him, and she was embarrassed to directly say that she wanted to go to the celebration, and as his female companion, if she was to be rejected, should she be angry or should she be angry?

So she asked roundly: "Mr. Jiang..." These two words were uttered, and seeing his face changed, she quickly changed her words, "Zhanbao, how busy is your company lately?"

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