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Jiang Chengzhan looked up and down Su Wanwan's face with doubts. The woman's skin was white and light makeup, just like a plain face. Now she has a calm expression, but her eyes are filled with sly light. I don't know if she is thinking. what.

But since she said, he will do as she asks.

But he still reminded: "You have to dare to see, wait for me to go back and clean up you!"

Su Wanwan cocked the corner of her mouth, a little proud: "Look at it," she paused, and said, "After you put Tian Yingqi in the bathroom, you can find a room to hide in, and then wait for the good show. ."

"Don't tell me what to do?" Jiang Chengzhan looked at her mysteriously, he would have guessed it, but he still cooperated with her and asked deliberately.

Su Wanwan blinked at him. His long eyelashes were like a small fan face, both smart and cute. Jiang Chengzhan's heart trembled. No, he would swell and die if he didn't eat meat anymore.

After Jiang Chengzhan finished the arrangement, Su Wan went to the hall late. She picked up a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray. Seeing Su Xiaoxiao standing and chatting with several famous men Shuyuan, she paused slightly and walked over.

"Thank you everyone for coming to my father's birthday party," she raised her glass and toasted to a few people. "Don't be polite if there is any improper reception, you must say it."

Just now Jiang Chengzhan picked up Su Wanwan's situation. Everyone has seen it. This will be polite to her, and she will speak nicely as much as possible.

Even the very ordinary dress she wore was praised as having nothing in the sky.

Lady A: "The skin is so good late night, like the skin of a baby, I really want to touch it."

The second celebrity said in a particularly exaggerated tone: "This evening dress is really beautiful. It must have been designed by the international brand master Mr. Jiang invited you. It has a white and shiny skin, and it is beautiful!"

Celebrity C: "That is, President Jiang is really considerate, and it is enough to hurt us late, whether some people have to regret their deaths, so people still have to have that life."


Everyone rushed to praise Su Wanwan from head to toe, and Su Wanwan laughed in his heart. If Jiang Chengzhan was not good to her, these people could pinch her to death with their eyelids.

Standing next to Su Xiaoxiao, she felt uncomfortable all over, especially when someone regretted her death. She really regretted her death. She wished to go back in time and return to the moment Jiang Chengzhan got married. She would certainly not hesitate to sit down and welcome her. To be Jiang Chengzhan's wife.

She is the person who holds the moon today.

At this moment, I don't know who asked: "Right, where is Mr. Jiang?"

Su Wanwan glanced at Su Xiaoxiao and said meaningfully, "He has a cleanliness addiction. Wasn't he spilled red wine just now? You can't get out of the bathroom if you don't wash it for an hour and rub off a layer of skin. come out."

She also sighed deliberately, as if she was very melancholy, "Oh, I don't know when such a bad condition will be left!"

She changed the red wine to orange juice and took a sip.

Su Xiaoxiao's brain is spinning fast, washing for an hour?

In other words, is Jiang Chengzhan in the bathroom now?

Will it come out for a while?

Is this a godsend opportunity?

She doesn't believe that men do not steal fishy, ​​don't look at Jiang Chengzhan's performance in front of Su Wanwan, as if she only loves her for a lifetime, she turns around and doesn't know how many women there are!

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