Green-eyed boy

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My mom entered the room and from that point on everything seemed to move in slow motion
My mom ran next to my granny, the nurse called the doctor, my brother tried to pull me outside, but I resisted while I screamed and fought , the doctor arrived and pushed me out. The last thing I saw inside that room was my granny dead.
At first I was in shock, I mean my granny just died on me while holding my hand but the I started crying on Henry's shoulder and after a long while I stopped
"Did she say anything about me being your protector?" Henry asked and I looked at him confused
"Yeah" I sniffed "why?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously
"Last time I saw her ,she said that I had to protect you with my life and afterlives" he said still hugging me "that I was your Protector and that you were my Gifted" he looked at me with his blue overprotective brother eyes "I really don't know what that means, but I swear that I'll protect you with my life and afterlives" he hugged me tighter I hugged him back and somehow I felt safer than ever despite what I had just gone through
Then I looked to my right and I saw a boy in black clothes, sunglasses and a white hat, he gave me an evil smirk, turned around and walked away
"Hey you" I said, he turned around and started running away, I followed him
"Roxanne!" I herd Henry calling behind me and following me, I ran faster
When I finally caught the guy I jumped over him, pulling away his hat and sunglasses, he was a boy about 15 or 16 years old with black hair and dark green eyes, no eye was green and the other was .......gray?
"Who are you?!" I asked not even trying to sound a little nice, something about this guy was off
"Non of your business princess" he answered trying to push me but Henry grabbed his wrists and pushed them against the floor
"Who are you?" Henry asked in a more threatening tone, that my friends is a tone I like to call "Henry's convincing tone"
The boy took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes, I felt hypnotized, then some numbers started appearing in my head
Wait.........was that a phone number?
"How are you doing that?" I asked him
"Doing what?" Henry asked
"He's putting his phone number in my head" I answer then I look back at the boy "are you a Gifted? And I'm not calling you" I say
"Yeah we'll see about that" he smirked and winked at me. I wanted to punch this guy in the nose right now "and yes I'm a Gifted"
"You haven't answered my other question" I say angrily "who are you?" I glare at him
"My name is Taylor, but you can call me Tay" he winked at me and then his green eye turned gray, I looked at him with my 'yuck' face "awe come on Roxie"
"How do you know my name??" I asked as I felt a cold chill run down my spine
"I've been in your head silly" he said with an irritating 'duh' tone"well this was fun but I have to go" he said
"How did you kill my granny?" I asked without thinking, (how did I know he killed my granny? I have no idea), he gave me an evil smirk
"I put some horrible pictures on her head causing her to die quickly" he said in the most careless tone I've ever herd, I stood up and covered my mouth
"Son of a-" Henry started but he couldn't finish because Taylor pushed him causing him to hit his head, and knocked him out, then he ran away but not before saying his last stupid words
"Nice to meet you babe" he yelled at me before disappearing in the hospital's hallways. And the funny thing? Nobody even tried to stop him
"How did he hit his head again?" The doctor asked me skeptically
"We were running in the hallway, he was chasing me ,and then I turned around and saw him lying in the floor unconscious" I say in a tired voice
"What were you doing running in the hallway?" My mom asked
"I wanted to get fresh air, so I tried to run outside, and Henry followed me" I said looking at my mom "this is all my fault" I said and I start crying
"No honey it isn't your fault" my mom said hugging me
"He'll only need to take a pill if his head starts hurting a lot" the doc said
"Thanks doc" Henry said standing up and sitting next to me
We stood up and left the doctor's office
"Nice sis" Henry whispered
"Thanks" I smiled at him
Then my mom closed the door and got I front of us
"It's 5am" she announced "wanna go to school?" She asked, her eyes were still red because of her crying
I was about to say no, but then I thought that my mom needed to rest more than we did, I mean after all her mother just died
"Yes" I said "Henry's class starts at 6:30, so we have time to change and get ready" I give her an encouraging smile
"Yeah" Henry says "and we can ask Evan to take us"
Evan is Henry's best friend, he's also our neighbor and an idiot from time to time
"Thank you" my mom told us while she took a deep breath
Then we walked to the parking lot and got in the car, my mom started driving and there was an awkward silence the whole way back home.

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