Sweet Kisses

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"You've gotten better" Mac said standing up
"I've always been good" I said helping him stand up
We kept fighting in an awkward silence
"Awkward" I said when we took a break to drink water, I said it in a whisper
"Hey I wanted to ask you something" I said "is your Gift back?"I asked taking a sip of water
"No" he said in a low tone
"Hey" I said placing my hand on his cheek "it'll come back"
"Or maybe I don't have the Shadow Gift anymore" he said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I've tried to summon dead people, but...... I can't" he said, I hesitated a bit but I finally told him what was on my mind
"I have a theory" I said "maybe you don't have your old Gift, maybe it's like if you've been like.....reborn so maybe you have another Gift"
"Like what?" He asked
"Like the Gift of annoying people" I said, he laughed and a bit of tension seemed to lift our shoulders
"Or like the Gift of kissing" he said and raised a brow at me
I laughed and leaned closer, I have to have some fun once in a while
He leaned closer to me and he was about to kiss me then I punched him in the stomach and pushed him. Then he fell to the floor
"You're evil" he said once he stood up "that's so hot" and he hugged me and carried me like a sack of potatoes
"Put me down!!" I yelled and started hitting his back
"Make me" he said while laughing, but he didn't have in mind that I was a pro ass b**ch at fighting, so I hit his back with my elbow and he let go, then I pushed him, he fell and I placed my knee on his chest
"Done" I smirked and laughed
"Damn" he said laughing too
I helped him up and we kept fighting
I took a long hot shower and then I changed into some jean shorts and military like shirt
When I walked to my room I saw Bryan sitting on my bed
"Hey" I said smiling at him
"Hey" he said smiling back, his smiled literally melted me "here" he said and handed me a box of 'Sweet Kisses'
"Sweet" I said "thanks, Bryan" I hugged him
"No problem" he said in his British accent "I figured you would want something sweet to be even sweeter"
I laughed "cheap cheesy pick up lines, seriously?"
He laughed too "don't blame me"
"Then who should I blame?" I asked
He gave a step closer to me "my heart" he said and kissed me
I had to admit it, he kissed really good
When we broke the kiss, I was so stunned my heart was raising really fast, I looked at him in the eyes and smiled
"I-I have to um....to....go" he said and gulped
"Oh no you are not" I said and kissed him ,a little kiss, then he smiled and blushed
"Disgusting" we herd someone at the door, we turned and I saw Rachel with a big smile and about to explode and Chase with a big frown and about to explode
"I KNEW IT!!" Rachel finally exploded and started dancing randomly then she ran and hugged me "IknewitIknewitIknewit" she repeated so fast it seemed like one word
"GET OUT OF HERE!!" Chase exploded and pushed Bryan out of the room not before punching his face
"Chase" I gasped
Then he slammed the door
"What is your problem?!" Rachel yelled
He looked at me with a pained expression , then he looked at Rachel and left the room
"Oh. My. God" Rachel said "you have 2 boys after you!" She said enthusiastically
I though of Mac "make that 3"
She laughed and I ate one Kiss still processing what just happened
"This are really good" I informed Rachel, she took one and agreed with me

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