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When we arrived to the PAG Institute I was surprised to see Rachel, Bryan, Chase, Henry, Roger (professor Perkins, the headmaster)
I went out the boat and I ran towards them, they all hugged me at the same time, except for Roger
"Thank God you're okay" Henry said
"Where did they take you?" Rachel asked
"I'm glad you're okay" Chase said
Then the hug ended and I noticed everybody looking behind me
I turned and I saw Mac walking slowly towards us
"Hey Roger" Mac said smiling at his brother "long time no see."
Professor Perkins looked like 52 years old
"Yeah since you joined the Slayers" he said coldly
Bryan hugged me in a protective way and Henry stepped in front of me
"Woah woah woah, I've joined no Slayers. I wanna kill those bastards" he said that last sentence with a lot of anger "my own brother killed me to join them"
All eyes widened and I freed myself from Bryan and got next to Mac
"I think I'm gonna handle this Mac" I whisper to him
"Back there I kinda went in death mode" I started explaining "I realized that the only way to control the dead is to feel death. One time I touched a guard that was speaking about all the deaths he had caused and I took his life, then Mac touched me and the life of the guard is now his. Mac was a ghost and I brought him back to life, he's Taylor's twin"
They all looked at me in awe
"Mac?" Professor Perkins (Roger) asked
"Yeah" he answered "see the eyes?"
I saw his eyes, they were full of tears. I hugged him and kissed him in the cheek
"Go" I mouthed to him and he walked and the two brothers hugged, both with tears on their eyes
"Why did she kiss him in the cheek?" I herd Bryan whisper with a slight tone of jealousy
"I don't know" Chase said ,also in a whisper
"Do I hear jealousy in both your tones?" Rachel asked out loud ruining the brotherly moment
I looked at her with my 'seriously?' look
Henry hugged me
"I really thought you were dead" he said and kissed my forehead
"How come he gets to kiss her forehead?!" British accent asked (Bryan)
"Because his her brother" Rachel answered
"Yeah "oh"" she replied
I laughed
We were walking to personal defense class and I noticed people looking at us
"What are they staring at us like that?" I asked them
"Because you were gone for like a month" Rachel answered, I looked at her and she sighed "you're the only person that has been kept captive by Slayers and has ever returned alive"
I nodded
"What about Mac?" I asked
"That doesn't count" Mac answered "I died" he smiled at me and but his arm around my shoulders
"That we lived together in the same room for almost a month doesn't give you the right to do this" I said pointing at his arm
He laughed but didn't remove his arm
"She's telling you to take your arm off her" Chase said
"Yeah I know" Mac said
"Do it before she breaks your arm" Bryan said
"She wouldn't" Mac said still confident, I punched him in the stomach and that did the trick
"I think you just broke a rib"he said without a breath
"C'mon I didn't hit you that hard" I rolled my eyes and he stood up straight again, he looked different (different besides alive) he smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist
"This better?" He asked and smirked, I like felt my legs failed me and they were like jelly, he might look like Taylor, but at this moment he looked completely different, he was stronger, more confident, he was the "go for it" twin and that was just......WOW!
when I came back to reality I noticed I was bitting my lip and looking at his lips
"Hands off" I said with a smile and looked him in his heavenly blue eyes
"And where to place them next?" He asked
"Perv" Rachel said and laughed along with me
"Guys" Bryan said pointing at everyone around us
"Pops" Chase informed us
"Who's this hottie here?" Annie asked pointing at Mac, Annie's uniform was short, the skirt was so short even in China they could see her underwear
"This is Roxanne but I'm sorry to tell you that she's not available" Mac answered
I laughed
She glared at me
"I was talking about you, sexy" she said and looked at Mac
"Maximus" he said with a smile
"Maxie ,wanna join us?" She asked pointing at the Pops behind her
"Not really" he said in a sigh "I'd rather stay with my girlfriend here" he looked at me
"Girl-what now?" I asked at the same time Chase, Rachel, and Bryan asked "Girlfriend?!"
"Annie" I started "he means it like girl friend zone friend, not girlfriend he means girl friend-"
I was interrupted. Because Mac kissed me. In the lips. In front of everyone. And I loved it
His kiss was soft, like if he was afraid he'd break me, I kissed him back letting his kiss in, he deepened the kiss we were like that for a while until we both needed to breath
" friend zoned me?" He asked and I laughed
"That space between girl and friend is called friend zone " I told him
"Well that kiss was definitely NOT a friend zone kiss" Chase said behind me ,almost yelling
"Damn girl you take all the good ones" Rachel said smirking at both so us
"That. Was. Intense. " Those were the only words Bryan could manage to say
"We're not a couple" I informed everyone "he just randomly kissed me"
"And I'll randomly leave" Mac said smirking leaving our group and the Pops standing there
"I'll randomly go to class" I said blushing and left too, basically I followed Mac because we all had the same class
Sorry if the chapters are really long it's just that I write this book in my iPad so ..... yeah
Btw I really don't know who Roxana should stay with, any suggestions? Plz comment
Thanks, see ya,.

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