From dating to hating

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"Tell me now" he demanded
I was resisting, I didn't want to tell him
"Me" I finally said, then I felt like he let go
"Please repeat the name of the person" he said
"I just told you" I said in an angry tone "I'm the a Shadow Gifted"
He looked surprised with a combination of sadness and pity
Then it hit me, he could get in people's minds and "paste" images and stuff like that. He "pasted" a scene where I told him who the Shadow Gifted was while in real life he couldn't know the answer
"You tricked me to tell you who the Shadow Gifted was" I say between amazed and pissed
I mean I have to give it to him, he was good, he was smart, and he was a BLODDY TRAITOR!!
"Roxanne I swear if I knew before that you were the last Shadow Gifted I wouldn't have to do this" he said
"Do what?" I asked looking at him in the eyes and then a bag covered my vision
"I'm sorry" he said, but I could barely pay attention of what he was saying because I was trying to free myself from that goddamn bag on my face
"I hate you Taylor I trusted you!" I started yelling "even my granny thought you were one of the good guys!" I yelled louder and then I felt a small pinch on my neck and my strength started fading until I fell asleep
When I gained consciousness again I still had the black bag on my face and I was on a road, I supposed that I was in a van or a car because I herd a honk
"It's going well" a man#1 said "Amanda and I are actually going well"
"That's awesome" man#2 said
There was a silence, I knew that they thought that I was asleep so decided to leave it that way
Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and whispered
"please forgive me" he said, I recognized Taylor's voice "why did you have to be one of them?"
"Awwww" man#2 said "wittle Taylor is in wove with a wittle girl"
Everyone in the van/car laughed except Taylor
"I'm not in love" he said in a tone I've never herd before , I didn't even knew he was able to make a tone as threatening as that "she's my friend, and I'm asking for her forgiveness, now please... mind your own business!" He threatened them, then he let go of my hand
After a few minutes of silence acting like I was still asleep got boring so I acted like I just woke up and I acted scared
"What the hell?!" I said shaking my hands but I was wearing handcuffs so it only made a metallic sound "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" I yelled
"SHUT UP!" man#1 yelled
"TAYLOR, YOU BLOODY TRAITOR ,WHERE ARE YOU?!" I asked shaking even stronger, I had been waiting to shake and get all crazy for a long time now
"Your beloved Taylor isn't in this van" man#1 said
'Yeah right' I thought
"Beloved?!" I asked "I hate the guy" I said "first he killed my grandmother, then we started dating as friends and we got to know each other and then he forced me to tell him something and THEN he kidnapped me" I said with rage "and you think I love the guy?!" I said
"Wait you dated him?" Man#2 asked and then laughed
"It wasn't a date like boy-girl-like-each-other date it was a please-forgive-me-for-killing-your-grandmother date, as friends" I said in a tone that said "shut up or I swear that I'll kill you now "
Apparently he received the message
"Can somebody please take this bag off my face?!" I demanded "I'm not breathing at all"
"No" man#1 said
"Could you at least take the bag off my face and but me a blindfold so that I can breath breath fresh air" I said/asked/ demanded
After a few seconds they took off the bag and but a blindfold on
"Thank you" I said and took a deep breath
Then the van stopped and the doors opened they dragged me down
"Hey, be gentle" I said as they got me off that van
"Walk" man #2 said
"Yeah right because I can see the floor and the way" I said
"Well well" a female voice said, a voice I knew "our last Shadow Gifted" she giggled
They took the blindfold off and I saw the lady of my vision
"YOU" I said in a disgusted tone and I jumped to hit her but my hands were tied up and man#1 and man#2 were grabbing my arms "lemme go!" I yelled
The woman laughed and then glared at me
"You don't know how to control your Gift yet" she pointed out and analyzed me "pretty face, sweet but when you get mad you are like 5bears and 8 gorillas together, am I right?" She asked
I nodded
"But my inner warrior isn't out yet" I said and gave her a fake smile, then I sensed someone looking at me on my right, I turned around and I saw Taylor looking at me, I glared at him and looked at the lady
She smiled and then told the men to escort me to my new room, but before they even moved a finger I turned to Taylor
"I hate you" I said and glared at him, then they escorted me inside the white building

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