Clorsonali and Nina's pizzas

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We arrived to the store, it had amazing clothes I had to admit
And at the entrance it said
clothes according to your personality
"Nice" I say
"I know right?" Rachel said "this is were everyone comes to buy clothes, even the Pops"
"Nice" I saw walking around and I saw some things I really liked, so I bought them. Most of the stuff was military stuff
"What time is it?" I asked Chase, I bought my stuff but Rachel was still buying hers, we've been sitting in a couch for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time
"Almost 5 o'clock" he said
"Gotta run" I say standing up "could you take my stuff if you leave and I don't come back, pleaaaaaaaase" I say
"Yeah" he answered
"Thanksloveyoubye" I said really fast and then I left
I took out my phone and called Taylor
R- "where are you killer?"
T- "awwww so you do have a nickname for me"
R- "yeah I saved you like that in my phone"
T- "I don't like it"
R- "I don't like serial hottie either"
T- "fine we could take out the serial and you're only hottie"
R- "still hate it, actually I hate it more without the serial"
T- "then it's perfect!!!. By the way you should turn around"
I turn and I see him
He looked better with his jeans and black shirt, he looked like a 15 year old boy
"Last time you were wearing clothes of a 40 year old" I say smiling
"Last time you were crying, and I have to say, you look way better now" he said smiling back and looking at me from head to toe
"Are you done staring at me" I say
"Not quite yet" he said looking at my naked legs once again
I hit him in the arm
"Hey" he says laughing "what was that for?"
"For staring at me for far too long" I say laughing and then reality hit me like a slap in the face "how come we can talk like this if I don't even know you, and you killed my granny" I say taking a step back
"Roxie" he said softly, I felt like if someone was touching my face softly when he said my name "I'm not gonna hurt you" he said
"Fine" I say
"Follow me" he said making a reverence and putting his hand in front of me, I smiled and grabbed his hand
We arrived to Nina's pizzas and let me tell you
when the pizza arrived I saw a thin bread line and tons of melted cheese at the top
"Best pizza ever" I told Taylor and took another bite "I'm gonna get really fat"
He laughed
"Wait a sec" I say looking at him "you're not trying to make me fat and then eat me ,are you?" I say in an over dramatic tone
"You caught me" he said "but I prefer my ladies, hot and pretty" he winked at me
We both laugh and after that there was a moment of silence
"Why did you change sides?" I asked him, that question seemed to bother him a little bit
"Because the PAG Institute is a waste of time" he said angrily "do they teach you how to control your powers? Yes. But do they teach you how to make your power even more powerful? No."
"It's not a superpower" I tell him, he looks deeply in my eyes "it's a gift" I say looking deeply in his eyes
"Or a curse" he said with rage
"Curses aren't always bad" I say softly "they always bring something good"
"Like what?" He asked, we were still looking deeply in each other's eyes
"Take for example the sleeping beauty" I tell him "Maleficent cursed her with eternal sleep, but a prince woke her up and she found true love"
He smiles
"Or take for example Elsa" I say "she had the gift of ice, but she could use it as a curse or as a gift"
He smiled and we broke eye contact
"You win" he said taking another bit of his pizza slice
"Why do you think your Gift is a curse?" I asked him taking a bite of my slice of pizza
There was a long moment of silence, like if he was trying to decide if he was or wasn't gonna tell me
"When I got mad at someone I made them do things" he said not looking at me "horrible things. And I thought that they were playing with me, but then I accidentally told my brother to kill himself in the most horrible way possible" his voice cracked and he looked at me, his eye was green and then I saw it
I felt like if I had been shakes really hard and then I saw what Taylor wanted me to see
A little boy with a green eye was yelling at a 12 year old to kill himself in the most painful way. So the 12 year old boy took a knife and cut his arm, there was blood everywhere and the green eyed boy, I suppose it was Taylor started screaming and begging him to stop
"EVAN STOP, I DIDNT MEAN IT, IT WAS A GAME. EVAN PLEASE STOP" baby Taylor started screaming with tears in his eyes
But the kid kept cutting his arms and legs, his eyes were dead and he looked hypnotize. Then with the only arm left the 12 year old boy stabbed himself a lot of times in the chest
I closed my eyes, and baby Taylor kept screaming. I felt tears running down my cheeks and I sat next to baby Taylor
Then it all stopped, I opened my eyes and 15 year old Taylor was I front of me, and I was grabbing his hand
"It was an accident" he said, he was about to cry, I stood up and sat next to him, then I hugged him.
"I know" I say hugging him tighter

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