Surprises and more surprises

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It's been like a week and a halphKris , the new guard, was a real pain in the ass, he even entered my room without permission
"I killed a lot of people like you" he said teasing me "I've killed little kids. They cried and cried" he said
He had been in my room for almost 3 hours, and I have herd all the killings he had done while he laughed
"Stop it" I had told him
"What are you gonna do?" He asked me "pull me to the depths of hell? You can't even control a dead bug" he laughed
So after that I just ignored him, on the other hand Mac was fighting the guy, of course the guy didn't notice, because Mac's hand would go through the guy
"Take this you *bad word I'm not gonna repeat*" he would say while "hitting" the guy
He had been fighting the guy for an hour
"Please stop" I said with tears in my eyes
Kris just laughed "and then the little girl cried for her mommy, of course that we ripped her throat"
I couldn't ignore him anymore
"Why would you do that?!" I yelled
"She talked without permission" he smirked
I started feeling dead again, but I was awake. I walked towards the guard and grabbed his arm, I could feel his life fading, his energy passing to me
"Rex" Mac said, he had nicknamed me Rex because I told him my favorite dinosaur was the T-Rex "your sucking his life" he said concerned then grabbed my arm
I could feel the guard's life passing though me to Mac. Then it stopped, I looked at Mac, he looked........alive, I smiled and then I looked at the guard, I let out a gasp, there was nothing there but bones
"Go to hell" I said angry and pointed my hand down, still feeling death
And then the bones burned and disappeared
"I'm.....I'm......IM FREAKING ALIVE!!" He said surprised and happy and then hugged me, I hugged him back
"How did you do...... THAT?" He asked pointing at him and at where the guard used to sit
I waited a few seconds before it hit me
"Let's go to the garden" I said

When we arrived to the garden Mac pinched me
"Ow" I said rubbing where he pinched me and then I hit him hard "what was that for?! I just brought you to life, do you want your life to end?"
"Sorry it's just that I pinched you, so that you could hit me and realize if this was a dream or not. Apparently is not" he smiled at me
"Remember when you told me that there was these feeling you needed to know before you learned to control the dead?" I asked
"Yes" he said
"What if that feeling is the feeling of being dead?" I asked
He went silent for 7 seconds
"You've been quiet for a long time now" I told him "you are never quiet for that long"
"Sorry" he said like if I had just snapped him out of his thoughts
"It's amazing how he does have a brain" I thought
"Taylor should know" he said smiling "it would totally freak him out"
"Yeah sure" I said rolling my eyes "surprise, hey Taylor you remember your twin brother that you killed? Yeah? Well I brought him back from the dead, yaaay" I said sarcastically
"What's wrong with telling him that?!" Mac asked "that's the perfect way to say it"
I laughed and then I touched his face softly, it was warm
He closed his eyes
"Thank you" he said and hugged me then he picked me up and I screamed and laughed
"But me down Mac!" I yelled and laughed, he didn't obey "Maximus but me down you little-"
He put me down and started tickling me, I laughed then I felt in danger, I wanted something to protect us
I stood up and made a shadow shield around us. You could look what was outside but they couldn't look inside, like dead people, they can see you but you can't see them.
"Well well, isn't this a surprise?" A female voice said, I undid the shield, my energy was vanishing "Taylor?" The redhead gir, Ryan, asked
"Hello Ryan" Mac said with disgust "and no I'm not your precious Taylor"
Her eyes widened
"It can't be" she said taking a step back
"Hey I hang out with the last Shadow Gifted, don't you think good things come out of it?" He asked
"Ryan what are you doing here?" I asked her
"We knew you came here sometimes" she said glaring at me "we didn't know Taylor came with you here"
"I'm not Taylor" Mac said "I don't kill my brother to join the Slayers as an undercover and then evil gets to me"
"Mac" I said in a warning "could you just....stop talking?" It sounded more like an order
"Let's go back" I told him, and we headed back to the room, Mac went first
"Not a word about this" I told Ryan but she threw me a fire ball, I tried to bring up a skeleton soldier or something, awesomely I did.
And the skeleton guarded the door
"Surprise Ryan" I smiled at her
When I got to my room I told Mac to hide somewhere, the smart ,idiot, boy went hiding in the bathroom then I called Taylor
when he came in I almost screamed
"Duuuuuude a shirt!" I squealed and covered my eyes
"You're the one who called my while I was training" he said and even tho I had my eyes covered I knew he was smiling, I put my hands down and opened my eyes, he was still shirtless
He looked like Mac, in the physical part too, only that he was stronger and Mac was well dead so I doubt he could exercise
I looked at myself and blushed, I was wearing shorts and a shirt that showed my bellybutton and Taylor was only wearing pants
Too much skin showing
"When am I gonna leave?" I asked him while I sat down in my bed, he sat next to me
"Leaving so soon?" He asked getting closer
(Okay I could've prevented anything from happening, but he just looked so.......ya
We started leaning closer and HE kissed ME, at first I was startled and the kiss felt like
"surpriiiiiise Taylor does like you, surpriiiiise he's kissing you"
Then, for my surprise, I kissed him back. I kissed freaking Taylor back. He deepened the kiss, which made melt like ice in a microwave
"Oh no you won't" someone said pulling me away from Taylor and placing me behind him
Taylor looked like if he had just seen a ghost, well basically he is seeing his dead/now alive brother
"You took my life away but you're not gonna take my girl" he growled
His girl? Since when am I HIS girl?
Focus Roxanne, focus
"Maximus I'm sorry" he said "this is a dream, a dream" he whispered
"This is not a dream motherf**er"
"Language" I said
"No it can't be" Taylor said "your dead"
"Yeah and SHE brought me back to life" Mac pointed at me in a protective way
"You WHAT?" Taylor asked me
"Surprise, I brought your brother back from the dead" I smiled
"Yo-" Taylor started but then the noise of an explosion made him run outside to see what was happening
"They're here" Mac said
"Who?" I asked
"The Institute" he answered with a smirk

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