Types of Gifted

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"So there are six types of Gifted?" I ask
"Yep" Bryan answered
Bryan came for me after the "meeting" I had with professor Perkins and doctor Jasper, that was very sweet of him. we were now heading to the cafeteria to have lunch
"What are those six types of Gifted?" I ask him
"Element, Nature, Techno, Healer, and Mind Gifted" he answered
"But those are only five" I say confused "and you said six"
"Well" he said "there's another type of Gifted, the Shadow Gifted" he said "but those are extinct"
"Can you explain what they do?" I ask Bryan
"Who?" He asked "the Shadow Gifted?"
"Yeah and the other Gifted too" I smiled at him
"Sure" he said "well the Mind Gifted are the ones that have: telekinesis, can erase your mind, can get in your mind or have mind control.
The Nature Gifted can either talk to animals or control animals or talk or control plants.
The Healer Gifted can cure a diseases, see if you're ill, or but in you some illness.
The Techno Gifted..... well they are good with technology"
I nod
'there's always an or so there are different types of types of Gifts' I thought
"The Shadow Gifted are the ones who used to control anything that had to do with death, they also had visions, visions of death" he said
"By 'everything that had to do with death' you mean, dead animals, dead plants, dead insects, dead people?" I asked
"Yeah" he said
"That's a little bit creepy" I say, he nods and continues
"The Element Gifted are the ones that control one of the four elements" he smiled "I'm an Element Gifted" he said
"What element?" I asked with my British accent
"Fire" he said and then he laughed
"That's smoking hot" I say with a smile
"What's hot?" He asked "the Gift or the person?" He smirked and winked at me
I laughed
"The-" I started but I got interrupted
"Roxanne!!" someone yelled behind me, I turned around and I saw Rachel and Chase running towards me
When they noticed Bryan they looked surprised
"Bryan ,why aren't you with your Pops?" Rachel asked
"Sometimes I get tired of being a Pop" he said "I was hoping to meet someone that treated me like a normal person" he looked at me
"You're a Pop?" I asked surprised
"Yeah" he said taking a deep breath
I punch him in his arm playfully, he looks at me and smiles
"I'm gonna treat you the same way I've been treating you , it doesn't matter if you're with the Pops or you're the king of England"
He laughs
I sat between Chase and Rachel to avoid another fight
"This is my favorite time of the day" I say taking a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich
"Time to spend time with Chase?" Chase asked
"No" I smile "lunch time" I say
After a while of being in silence I talked
"What's your type of Gift?" I ask both of them
"Healer" Chase answers looking at me
"Techno" Rachel said taking a bite of her third Nutella sandwich
"How many of those can you eat?" I ask her
"As many as a Nutella bottle can do" she said "how much of those can you eat?" She asked pointing at my second peanut butter and jelly sandwich
"Peanut butter is my Nutella" I tell her and she nods
"I understand" she said smiling
"What type of Gifted are you Roxie?" Chase asked
"I umm......" I say "I don't know" then the bell rang
'Back to class' I thought
I look at my schedule
"Dance class" I say "you?" I ask Rachel and Chase
"History of the Gifted" Rachel answered
"I have a Protector session" Chase said
"What's that?" I ask while standing up and picking my school bag
"It's a session where they make some tests to see who is gonna be your Protector" he said "finding a Protector isn't easy" he said
"Specially for you" Rachel said getting next to me with her stuff "you have some special and certain qualities that are difficult to be compatible with" she said
"Ha-ha" he said "but that's not only with me, that's with everyone" he said then he looked at me "when do you have that session?" He asked
"I don't have one" I said walking away "my brother is my Protector" I say
They get in front of me
"What?!" Rachel asked "usually to find your Protector you take years" she said
"Well ,what can I say?" I smile "I'm unusual ,remember?" I say, and I keep walking

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