P. A. G Institute

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Evan was taking us home because he also had that extra class thingi
"Did you see her face when teacher Amy took her phone and tossed it into the trash?" Evan says
"A teacher tossed a phone into the trash??" I ask
"Yeah" Henry says "teacher Amy is awesome" and then Evan and Henry continue with their conversation while I unlock my phone and start playing Crossy Road
"We're here" the driver said after a while, I got out of the car and thanked Evan and Carlos (the driver)
When I got inside the house I saw that my mom was talking to some men in suits
"Hey mom" I say
"Oh hello honey" she says "this is Mr. Gordon and Mr. Gonzales"
I shake hands with them and the man who seemed to be Mr. Gonzales said
"Please call me Arthur"
"Nice to meet you" I tell both of them and then I notice Henry doing the same
"Why are they here?" Henry asks
"Henry!" My mom says
"No it okay ma'am" Arthur says "we're here to offer you a full scholarship to both of you at our school" he said with a smile on his face
"What school?" Henry asked
"P. A. G Institute" Mr. Gordon says
"What does P.A.G stand for?" I ask nicely
"Those are the initials of the founder of the institute" Arthur said giving me a smile
"What was the name of the founder?" Henry asked
"Peter A. Gordon" Mr. Gordon said "my great-great-grandfather created the institute" he said in a serious tone
"How come we have a full scholarship?" Henry asked
"Henry" I warned my brother in a whisper only he could hear
"Your grandmother was one of the best students the P.A.G institute has ever had" Arthur said
"Oh" I say "so this is like a, what?, a gift?" I ask, that seemed to call their attention
They looked at each other
"Yes, precisely like a gift. And we are ,to say it like this, the Protectors of this Institute" Arthur said like giving us a hint of something
Henry and I looked at each other
"When do we leave?" Henry asked
"Immediately" Mr. Gordon said
"Wait, what?" I ask
"Oh don't worry kids" my mom told us "your bags are already packed"
"But where is this institute?" Henry asks
"In an island in the middle of the ocean" Mr. Gordon said
"Woah wait a second" I say "we're leaving right now?" I ask
"Yeah" Arthur says
"Had dad agreed to this?" I ask my mom "I mean does he even know about this?"
My mom glared at me
"Your father doesn't need to know about this-" she says but I interrupted her
"Of course he does" I say "he's still our father"
"But he's not my husband" she raises her tone and I lower mine
"I was just asking if he is....." I wait to find the perfect word "informed that we are leaving for, how long?" I ask Arthur
"Two years" he said
"Two years??!" I ask surprised
"Yep" he answers
"I'm going" Henry tell me
"I'm going too but I think that dad needs to be informed" I say looking at mom
"We've already informed your father Roxanne" Arthur says
My parents have been divorced since I was 4 years old, my mom hates my dad and my dad criticizes my mom a lot. It's weird when they talk, they usually don't do it, and when they do it's super awkward
"Okay" I say in a doubtful tone
"Well we have to go" Mr. Gordon said
Henry and I say good bye to our mom
"Can I take my dog?" I ask Arthur, he looks at the German Shepard outside
"Sure" he says "we could need a guard dog" he smiles
I open the door and Doppy comes in
"Doppy you're coming with us" I say and he parks happily

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