Message of the dead

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I woke up lying on the floor in the normal class classroom and everyone was staring at me nobody helped me up
They looked at me like if they were scared of me, I stood up but immediately fell to the floor again, this time some girls helped me up and when I looked at the board, I froze
"Shadow Gifted have come again, if you dare to hurt her you'll die in pain"
Then it said below
"Run, run away from the Slayers ,they are near. Be prepared for the battle that will last lots of years"
It was written with a red marker
"What happened?" I asked in a low voice and I black out again
When I woke up I was in what looked to be an infirmary
The walls were white and the floor was............ I don't know how the floor was since I was lying in a bed
When I turned left I saw Chase and Rachel, when I turned right I saw, MY BROTHER
"Henry!" I say cheerfully but weak, he raised his head and smiled at me
"Rox" he said "how's my sis and Gifted ?" He asked
"Oooooh so he's your brother" Rachel said to my left "I thought he was a nurse or something" she looked at Henry
"Rachel, Henry, Henry, Rachel." I say sitting in the bed "Chase, Henry, Henry, Chase" I say moving my hands towards the people I was naming
"Rachel and Chase are my roommates and friends" I say
"You have a male roommate?" Henry asked
"At first I thought the same thing but he's not a perv or anything like it" I tell him
"That's because you don't know him like I do" Rachel said
"Not helping" I tell her
"You two are siblings, I suppose" Henry said pointing at Rachel and Chase
"How did you know?" Chase asked
"By the way you two started fighting a few hours ago" Henry answered
"Okay, yaaay everyone knows everyone and I can leave" I say standing up but Henry made me sit down again
Then I herd a door slamming and I turned around, professor Perkins was walking towards my bed, and he looked mad
Not mad as in crazy but mad as in angry
"Roxanne Garcia" he said "would you please explain the nonsense you wrote in the normal class classroom"
"I don't know" I say making my volume louder than him "and I would really appreciate if you lowered your volume"
He just stared at me
"Fine" he said in a 'normal-person-talking' volume
"Thank you" I say then I close my eyes and I try to remember "I saw a man entering the classroom and I thought he was the teacher, but Bryan saw nothing so I thought he was joking, I walked towards the man and I asked him if he needed any help, he told me that if I could write a message for him and I said yes, he touched my forehead, I saw a light and I blacked out, I woke up in the floor of the normal class classroom, then blacked out again and I woke up here" I say and then I open my eyes and I look at professor Perkins "what's your name?" I ask
"Roger" he said without thinking then he shakes his head "nothing else you remember?" He asked
"Like what?" I ask
"Oh I don't know maybe" he said "WRITING SOMETHING IN THE BOEARD WITH A RED SHARPIE" he yelled at me
"DONT YELL AT ME!" I yell louder and the ground begins to shake, the funny part was that I wasn't scared "I'M AS CONFUSED AS YOU ARE" I yell and then the weirdest thing happened
A hand bursts out of the floor. (Ooh now I see, the floor was made up of wood.) And I stand up and I see my hands, they were making fists, I let go and the earth stops moving and the hand of bone goes back inside leaving a whole there
I turn around to see my brother and my friends..........oh and professor Perkins, they look terrified
I look at myself, my uniform was intact, I look at the window and I see my reflection, I was intact, not a sign of a terrified look
I turn around and I run away from them, I get out of the infirmary and I bump into someone
"Careful" he said, I turn around to see the person and I see a blue haired guy "are you okay?" He asked
I had tears in my eyes so of course I wasn't okay, I look at him and I keep running away, I went to a speed I've never thought I could go
When I was running through the football field, a lot of people stared at me but I kept running
I ran until I found an entrance to the forest, I entered the forest and ran a little bit more until I found the perfect tree to sit beneath it
I fell asleep

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