Death mode

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I was listening to I'm an Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab , one of my favorites, and then I closed my eyes and saw a dark glowing tunnel, I was fighting in not going to the dark but then I stopped fighting and I felt the dark embrace me with such cold it made me wake up. I felt different, lighter than a feather and colder than an iceberg, I stood up to go get a blanket but when I tried to grab it my hand passed through it, I screamed
"Sheesh woman, can you please lower your volume" Mac said behind me walking towards me, he was shirtless
"Sheesh man, can you please stop being such a perv" I said raising a brow
"No can do" he said
"Neither can I" I said, he smiled
"Why all the screaming anyway?" He said and then he yawned
"Look" I said and I tried to grab something but my hand passed through it, his eyes widened
Then he turned to the bed, I followed his gaze and saw myself in the bed sleeping peacefully
"H-How did you d-do that?" Mac asked
"I don't know" I told him and then I smiled "am I dead?" I asked and he nodded
"I can feel your cold, a death cold" he said
"But I'm alive" I told him
"What?" He asked "can't you see your dead body lying on the bed?"
I smiled
"I can go back" I said "I can choose, I can die and live. As long as they don't kill me"
He smiled
"You did something Shadowy" he said and hugged me, we were both cold but our hug felt warm
After a while he realised what he was doing and let go, when I saw his face he was blushing
I laughed "yes I did"
"Lets go explore" Mac said
"Sure" I said but as soon as we were going out Taylor came in
"Too much for privacy" I thought
"Rox" he said softly walking towards my bed and sitting next to me "I brought you some snacks" he but down a bad that had chips and food and.... BEANUT BUTTER
He touched my hand and immediately pulled his hand
"Rox you're freezing" he said concerned "Rox?" He asked and he saw I wasn't reacting "Roxanne!!" He yelled then he ran outside to call someone, I think the doctors or something
I closed my eyes and forced myself to visualise the same tunnel, but this time the light embraced me with its warmth
I opened my eyes and I saw Mac in front of me
"You're back" he said and smiled
"Yeah" I said
Then Taylor came back in with two man behind him
"Roxanne" he said running towards me and hugging me like if he had just seen me back from the dead, which he did tho
"Can't. Breath." I said and he let go
"But you were dead" he said
"No" I smiled confused "I was asleep" I assured him
But I was actually dead
"She was in Death Mode" Mac said "and it was hot" he smirked and I laughed
"I'm fine Taylor, I swear" I said " I herd you brought me some snacks" I smiled and he did too
After Taylor left my room Mac just stared at me
"What?" I asked him
"How did you do it?" He asked
"Do what?"
"Go into.......Death Mode?"
"I just saw a tunnel, I was in the light side of the tunnel and when I passed the the dark side of the tunnel the dar embraced me" I told him
"And how did you...... revived" he said, I could sense a tone of doubt
"Same thing only the light was on the other side"
He looked at me for a moment
"You are sooooooooooooooooo freaking hosy " he said with a smile I almost melted
"Hosy?" I asked
"Hot and sexy" he said "or soty"
I laughed really hard
"I'm not sexy nor hot" I told him "and I'm definitely not hosy or soty" I smiled
He smiled and walked closer to my bed, where I was sitting, while he looked deeply at me in the eyes
"Just because someone can't see how they really are doesn't mean they are not beautiful" he said with his 'melting smile'
I smiled, I didn't notice I had blushed until I saw Mac's smile of triumph
"Bravo Shakespeare Jr. but I'm pretty sure that as far as that phrase can take you is a kiss" his eyes sparkled "on the cheek" I finished, those words seemed to extinguish that sparkle
He looked at me with an awkward face, or at least he tried to
He was pulling his eyes and mouth to the side to make it look like an awkward face, but he only managed to make himself look like a weird hybrid with open mouth and really white and perfect teeth
I couldn't help myself, I laughed hard, so hard I ended lying on the floor
"Garden?" He asked
I looked at him, I wanted to feel his cold face again, I wanted him to be alive and warm, even tough I knew my hand would go right threw it I did it anyways. For my surprise, my hand touched his cold face, we were both surprised at that and then I looked at him, he was gaining his warm color
He was coming back to life!
But it only lasted a few more seconds because, the more vivid he got the more death accepted me, I let go of him and he gasped when I did
"How did you do that?!" He asked excitedly
"Garden. " I told him
When we arrived to the garden he looked at me
"Try to make that flower come back" he said pointing at a dead plant
"I can't" I told him
"No it won't" he said "it's a plant, little thing not as huge and awesome as me" he said and I laughed
I concentrated, I wanted that plant green and alive again. It didn't work
I touched with my other hand the plant next to the dead plant, wondering why it didn't work, and then I felt a little piece of energy passing through my left hand to my right hand, I opened my eyes and I saw the plant that was on my right hand was now green and the plant that was on my left was turning brown
I finally understood
"To get you back to life we need to-"
"Please tell me we have to make out" Mac said " and maybe go a little bit further" he winked at me
"Take the life if another" I finished
"Damn I really wanted to make out with you" he said disappointed, tho he looked like he was joking, I didn't quite feel the joking part

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