School nightmare

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"I'm sorry man" Evan told Henry "how you holding up?" He asked
"Fine thanks" Henry said
"How you holding up Roxanne?" Evan asked
"On my feet" I smile at him, he smiles back, my light brown hair was all messed up, it was short but not too short, it was at my shoulder so I brushed it but my fingers got trapped on it
Henry and Evan started laughing
"Shut up" I told them, but I laughed along with them
I took my hairbrush out and brushed my hair and made a ponytail
"Better?" I ask to both of them
"You looked cutter all messed up" Evan says and I push him
"Ha-ha" I say
"We're here" Evan's driver said
"Thank you Carlos" Evan said, I opened the door and got out of the car
"Thanks Evan" I say
"Yeah, thanks man" Henry said
"Anytime" he answered and we walked to school
Junior high school and high school share the same school, but not same hours or classes and once in a while some high school girls and boys go to the junior high school classes to teach or just waist their time with us ('the juniors' that's how they call the junior high school boys and girls)
"Later junior" Henry said saying good bye to me and running to his locker
-In history class-
"Now" Mr. Cooper said "who can tell me, where was Napoleon from?" He asked and half the classroom raised his/her hand, Mr. Cooper looked around "yes, Allison"
"He was born in Corsica" she answered
"That's right" Mr. Copper said "Napoleon was from........" His voice started fading away and is fell asleep
When I "woke up" I was taller and I was a man
This isn't my body, this isn't me, I couldn't control my movements, where am I?
All I know is that I'm in a hurry, well this body is in a hurry, when The body got out of the building I noticed that it was my school and that it was already night, the body was crossing the street to his car when he saw a pair of lights to his left and the car accelerated making the me crash into the car and fly a few feet away, when I finally got out of the body I saw a professor I've never seen before lying on the street covered in blood, then the car passed over the body
I woke up because my hand slammed the desk
"Yes Roxanne?" Mr. Cooper asked
"No I just....." I said "my pencil almost fell and I tried to catch it, but I accidentally slammed my hand in the desk" I say making it all up at the moment
"Oh well" Mr. Copper said "anyways as I was saying....." I stopped paying attention, I kept thinking about one thing and only one thing
Taylor's phone number
Why? No idea
Oh and I also kept thinking about that nightmare I had
When the bell rang in sign that the last class, before lunch, was over I stood up and got out Spanish class
"Hey idiot" my best friend, Allison, said
"Hey dude" I answer
"I saw you sleeping in history class" she says
"Yeah I barely slept" I say and then I yawn "my granny died at 3 am" I say she hugs me and I start crying
"It's okay" she says while rubbing my back
"Hey" someone says behind me, I turn to see my boy best friend, Kevin "what's wrong?" He asked
"Her grandmother died" Allison answered, then I end the hug and I clean the tears off my cheeks
"Okay" I take a deep breath "lunch time" I say and the three of us walk to the cafeteria

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