Dance class

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When I entered the classroom only a few people were there, Annie was one of them
The room had wooden floor and a mirror instead of a wall in front of me, behind me it was a wall
Annie was with her little group on the other side of the room,she just glared at me when she saw me in the room
"Rocky" she yelled at me "come here" she said
I walked towards her and her group
"My name is Roxanne" I tell her "not Rocky" Then I notice Bryan and he smiles at me, I smile back
"Your teeth are really big, don't ya think?" She asked and some girls and boys laughed
"As big as your ignorance" I answered, some boys (Bryan was one of them) said "uuuuuuuuuuu"
"Then your teeth are really small" she said, I could tell she was getting angry
"As small as your intelligence" I say
Bryan, two other boys, and two girls laughed, Annie glared at them and they stopped laughing, but kept smiling
"You're fat" she said
"Oh no honey" I tell her "those are called curves, you wouldn't know them, since you're not ......... curve material" I give her a fake smile
"You're such a bitch" she said
"Bitch is female for dog, dog is part of nature, and nature is beautiful, so thanks for the compliment" I turn around and walk away
"Don't you ever-" she started
"Hello students" a man said entering the room, he was a brunette man, with his hair dyed, like Tyler Oakley " today we're gonna learn the traditional dance of the Gifted" he said
I think he was gay, don't get me wrong I have nothing against gays, it's just that he talked a little girl and a big man or something
"Get in pairs" he said
Then I felt that somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me
Why wasn't I surprised to see Bryan? I really don't know
"Hello again, Roxanne Garcia" he said in his British accent
"Hello Bryan Lewis" I say in my British accent, he smiled
Then he but one hand on my waist and the other hand on my hand imitating the dance teacher
"Are you sure you're not from England?" He asked me, I laugh
"I'm sure" I tell him (in my normal accent)
"Now bring your partner closer" the professor said
"What's his name?" I asked
"Rupert" Bryan answered while pulling me closer until there was barely any space between our bodies
Rupert started showing us the first steps of the dance. It was a soft but fast dance, delicate but provocative (provocative in a really fancy way)
"You have the moves" Bryan told me
I smile
"You would too if you could stop getting distracted with everything" I say
"The only thing that distracts me, is your eyes" he said
"I hate cheesy comments" I say,
"Well ,get used to them because English people are really cheesy" he answered, I chuckle
Then the bell rings, we separate and I go get my stuff
"What do you have next?" He asked me
I go over to my schoolbag and I open my schedule
"Auugghhttt" I say
"What?" He asked
"I have math class" I say looking up at the roof with my face of 'why-God-why?'
"Lucky for you" he said picking his schoolbag "I have math too" he smiled
"I hate you" I say getting out of the dance classroom
"Why?" He asked while laughing
"Because....... I just do" I laugh not knowing why I hate him. maybe I hate him for being so nice and funny, or maybe I'm jealous of his accent
"Hey you never answered my question" he said
"What question?" I ask him walking to the normal class classroom that was in front of the dance classroom
"Who's hot, the Gift or the person?" He asked
"Nah" I say "the moment's gone, there's no point on answering that question now" I say taking a seat at the back of the classroom taking out my math stuff
I see a man entering the room, he was tall , dark brown hair and he wore glasses
"Math teacher is here" I say pointing at the door
Bryan turns around
"No she isn't" Bryan answered
"The teacher is a she?" I ask "then who's he?" I point at the man, who now was in the desk
"There's nobody there" he looked where I was pointing
"Stop joking around" I say smiling at him
"I'm not kidding there's no teacher in the room" he said in a serious tone
"Wait here" I tell him while I stand up and I walk towards the desk "may I help you?" I asked the man, he looked at me surprised, then his expression softened, like if I had finally returned from a long trip
"Can you write a message for me please?" He asked
"Sure" I said "just let me get my pen and my notebook"
"That's not necessary" he said and touched my forehead with his finger, I felt like E.T because his finger started shining really bright and after that I blacked out

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