New Orders

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Akiko dropped her things off in their shared room before heading to the lab Kimimaro was confined to. Hai was confined there so her injuries could be taken care of. The woman was far being at full health, but she was no longer at deaths door. Waka didn't blame the younger girl for what happened, she knew it wasn't her fault.

The couple now made their way to their master room. Kabuto knocked on the door twice before letting Akiko enter first. Orochimaru sat slightly hunched over in his bed, looking worse than before. What burnt away the Jinchuriki's healings was pushing him to the edge of life.

She sat beside him, placing her forehead against his shoulder. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you, Lord Orochimaru." The man raised a hand and placed it on her head.

"Had I known what would happen if you tried to heal me, I wouldn't have let you do what you did." He looked up at his right-hand. "Did you encounter him when you retrieved her?"

"No. But, was it entirely necessary to send all four of them?"

"The one I have an interest in is Sasuke, or rather, the extent of his abilities."

"In strength, and in every other area, as he is now, Sasuke should be no match for them."

"He'll need guidance. He will come to me seeking power." Orochimaru removed his hand from Akiko's head before speaking again. "I have a job for you, my dear child." She looked surprised, but nodded without a word. "I need you to connect to the Sound 4 and monitor them. Can you do that?"

"I'm not sure. I can't do it on command."

"Have faith that it will work. You'll be surprised at what a little faith can do." He chuckled before coughing slightly. "Try to lock onto Sasuke if you fail to lock onto the Sound 4. If there is an issue with him, report it to me right away."

"You mean, if he dies." He nodded, glad that she understood her assignment. "I get it. Can I leave?" Her voice, as well as her face, held no emotion.

Needless to say, Orochimaru was surprised by her lack of emotions. She usually didn't care what her face showed, but now she hid what she felt. He didn't like it. It irked him, and the fact that it irritated him irritated him. He called out to her as she reached the door. "My dear Akiko, there's no need to wear an expressionless mask. Kabuto does it enough for the both of you. A smile belongs on your face." She stared at him for a moment before simply leaving. Golden eyes slowly moved to the ash-haired teen. "What happened?"

The medic shoved the teasing insult from his master into a small corner of his mind before speaking. "The loss of one's parents is hard to hide..." Kabuto closed his eyes for a moment. "She's mad, but that anger hides her pain. She's mad at me, but she was hurt by the world. You knew Minato-"

"Not well. Not like Jiraiya. If she wants information on her father, she would benefit from speaking to him." The pale man coughed again. "Make sure that she doesn't leave. Those are your orders." Kabuto nodded once before turning and leaving the room.

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