Prolouge, Part 1: Midnight Screaming

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(( A/N: Hi!! I'm Altern, the author of this book, but you already know that, don't ya. I want to mention a few things, such as that this takes place before BH6 and I'm still working on the rest of the details for this story. I very much hope that y'all enjoy my book!!!))

~2 years after the death of Tadashi and Hiro's parents.~

Tadashi's POV

I laid out on my bed. I was tired but couldn't make myself close my eyes to sleep. Memories flashed throughout my mind whether they were closed or not. I had nightmares every night. I knew Hiro had them as well. While I would try to fall asleep, I would hear him wake up in the middle of the night, screaming for Mom and Dad to come back.

And every time he was disappointed to find that, not Mom or Dad, but Aunt Cass come upstairs to comfort him. She would turn on the lamp and try to comfort him, telling him that he was safe, but he would refuse her comfort. I would sit up and look at Aunt Cass, with the failure written all over her face. She was just like the woman at the orphanage we were held at.

The woman there could try to comfort him as well, only to be pushed away. We stayed there for about a year until they'll located Aunt Cass and called her to come and pick us up. She took us in and cared for us. Hiro disliked her. He stated that openly whenever she tried to comfort him. He was only five, so it was understandable that he would be angry.

The midnight screams always reminded me of the accident. The screeching of the tires, the screaming of our parents, the metal clashing with metal, our mom, barely alive, telling me to get myself and Hiro out, Hiro's cries for Mom and Dad, the sirens, the fire, the look of genuine fear and pain on Mom's face. I would never forget that. Her face. It was always pure and clean and her hair always pulled back into a ponytail. I remember looking at her as she told me to get young Hiro out of the car. Her face had a bruise and blood slowly poured from a cut on her lower cheek and chin. Her hair was a mess, scattered across her face. When she pulled it back to see me and Hiro, I remember her tears streaming down her cheeks and mixing with the blood. I remember her telling us to get out and then her trying to make sure Dad was ok. I remember him lying there, not moving or breathing. Once I was out with Hiro, I called for her, but as I looked in the broken window, I saw the anguish and fear and pain and sadness as she realized that her seatbelt was jammed. The fire on the car was growing.

The firemen and the ambulance arrived and took us to the hospital. They took mom to the ER, but it was too late. The burns were too bad and small glass chips had cut through her. Mom and Dad. Both gone. We were alone. I held three-year-old Hiro to my nine-year-old self as we were taken care of. We had a minor cuts and bruises, so we were discharged from the hospital and sent to an orphanage. We attended our parents' funeral and, once I was left alone at the graves I swore to myself to protect Hiro at all costs and work with medical technology to try to save lives. I didn't want any other children to go through what we had experienced. I wouldn't allow it.
When Hiro calmed down, Aunt Cass left the room.
"T-Tadashi?" Hiro's little voice squeaked.
"Yea? What's wrong, Hiro?"
"Will Mom and Dad come back soon?" He asked as he walked across the room to sit on my bed. I didn't know how to respond. We had tried to tell him without putting to much pain on his shoulders, but since he had been only three he didn't understand.
I spoke with as much truth as I could. "They're not coming to pick us up. Not this time."
"Why? Why did they leave us with Aunt Cass? Why won't they come back for us?" Hiro cried. Tears formed in his eyes.
"Hiro, they.....they....died." I said t as plainly as I could. Tears formed in my eyes as well.
"I know. I just wanted to make sure this wasn't another nightmare." He looked at me with tears streaming down his cheeks. I hugged him tightly. Tears slipped down my cheeks as well.

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