Chapter 5: Chewn Leather, Part 1

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Chántel's POV

I searched through my entire hotel room. Nothing. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't figure out what had happened to it. My lucky mitt was gone. And I had promised Tadashi that I would practice with him. What would I do if I showed up without a mitt? I couldn't play without a mitt! And without my lucky mitt, I couldn't catch a ball.

I panicked as I dug through my bags searching for it. I had my lucky baseball gear:

1) Lucky mitt
2) Lucky bat
3) Lucky ball
4) Lucky brand of gum

I kept the ball in my pack for luck and chewed the same brand and type of gum every time I practiced or went to a Rangers game. Well, that's been ever since the Ninjas vs. Rangers game with Tadashi.

Finally I realized I must've left it in Tadashi's lab. Either that or at the cafe. I caught a cab to take me to SFIT. When I arrived, I walked inside quietly and headed in the direction of his lab. I opened the door and found Tadashi working on something. I caught a glimpse of an engine design before he flipped the papers over and covered them.

"Chántel! I didn't know you were coming. I thought we were going to meet at the ballpark after school," he said.
"Yea we are, but I couldn't find my mitt. Knowing that I take it practically everywhere with me, I thought that I might've accidentally left it here."
"Hmm... Well if you did, I would've seen it. I just cleaned up in here."
"Oh... Well then I guess I left it at the cafe."
"You probably did."
"See ya later, Tadashi."

I left the lab, disappointed and curious. What was he working on? And by the tone of his voice, I wondered if he was lying. My mind races with worry and confusion and sadness. I left the Institute and walked to the cafe.
It was quiet. Cass allowed me to search the entire place for my missing mitt, but no matter where I looked I couldn't find it. The one place I hadn't looked was in the boys' room. I walked in quietly, half expecting to see Hiro. Rather, I come upon silence, which seemed odd, due to them always working or arguing.

I search (and practically clean) Hiro's side of the room, then I come upon Tadashi's side of the room. Since it was well straightened, it wasn't hard to look through. I looked under his bed, in a few boxes and, finally, in a filing cabinet.

Just as I'm about to open the last drawer, I notice some files missing from the drawer above the last. They were easy to find (on his nightstand). I looked through them. They were old notebooks and journals filled with drawings and designs of robots. Battle robots. Tadashi used to bot fight?! Odd...

I replaced the files on his nightstand and looked in the bottom drawer. It was empty, except for one thing...

My mitt.

"Chántel.... What are you doing?" I heard Tadashi's concerned voice speak slowly.

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