Chapter 7: Winger

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Tadashi's POV

The next morning I woke up and rushed downstairs with the mitt, expecting to find Chántel working. She wasn't there. Aunt Cass walked by carrying a plate of blueberry muffins and a cup of coffee.

"Aunt Cass, where's Chántel? Isn't she supposed to be here?" I asked her as I looked around the small cafe.
"She called and said she couldn't make it. Doctor's appointment. So I'm working her shift." Aunt Cass said as she gave the plate and cup to an older woman. "Hiro would help, but he said he had to go pick something up. I don't know what, but he should be back in a bit."

I went back upstairs, set the mitt down on my nightstand and picked up the files. I hated these files. They had been the cause of Hiro starting his career in bot fighting. All because of me.

I took out one of my old bot journals and looked through it. One of the pages had been torn out. I never ripped pages out of my journals, especially my bot journals. I flipped to the front of the journal, where I kept the names of my bots. In order. The page that was missing had the failed design of 'Winger'. I looked at the cover. This was my flying bot journal.

Someone had stolen the designs to Winger, a flying bot. And there were only three suspects: Hiro, Aunt Cass, or Chántel.

Aunt Cass would never look through my folders, let alone my journals. Hiro has no idea that I created five other journals besides the one he found. He never knew that flying bot designs existed. Chántel? She said she had never looked through my journals. She lied. She must've torn it out. But why? I had to find her now.

I rushed downstairs with my helmet and got on my motorbike. I put the mitt in my bag and took the journal as well.

I headed to the hotel she said she was staying in. When I asked the clerk about Chántel, she said that she was heading to the old office building. The office building? That's not the doctor's office.

I raced to the old office building. It was quiet. I burst inside and headed to the desk. The building was grey and boring. The woman said that she had seen Chántel. On the 7th floor. I walked to the elevator and rode it to the 7th floor where I would find Chántel. It wasn't a very fancy office building, but most small businesses could get their beginnings here. I looked in every room for Chántel. Finally I knocked on the door at the end of the hall. It was cracked open. The smell of fresh paint filled my nose. I heard the sound of keys on a keyboard clicking. And...a voice. It was smoother than honey. It sang like I had never heard before. I tried my best to make out what it was singing. I couldn't really. It was all in Spanish. Chántel hadn't finished teaching me enough Spanish for me to understand. I could make out bits and pieces but it made no sense.

I opened the door to be very surprised at what I saw in front of me. The room was extremely large. Half the room was being painted with designs of great intricacy. The other half had computers and Chántel. She had her earbuds in and turned up loud. Her hair was pulled back into a falling-down bun. She wore capris and flats and a messy work t-shirt that was covered with splatters of paint. She typed on the computers very quickly as she worked with designs that I recognized. The designs for Winger. I walked to a piece of notebook paper that was tacked to the wall. It was Winger. The image that had been torn from my notebook.

"Tadashi? What are you doing in my office?" Chántel said quietly.

((Ok so I want to know if you liked this so far. I will be starting another book similar to this! 💙💙Altern!!))

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