Chapter 13: Tears over Smiles over Tears

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~Present Day (In the story)~

Tadashi's POV

I had to find her. Why did she leave? What can't she seem go around? Why won't she like me back? Why can't I just help myself and give up? Why am I asking myself why? TADASHI PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. I kept thinking this to myself over and over.

Why won't she lo-- I mean like me back? Dammit, Tadashi, you've fallen in love with her. "Look at yourself!" As Hiro would say. You can't keep this up... You're gonna have to let her go...soon...maybe.... Oh I give up!!! I JUST CANT LET GO OF HER!!! Why?! Why did she ever have to come into my life? That mesmerizing smile, those piercing blue eyes, the gold in her hair, the glow to he--- TADASHI, I THOUGHT YOU WERE TRYING TO FORGET HER!! Why do you notice these things? She's probably the prettiest person, besides Honey.

Honey and her are so similar. They both have that accent, but Chántel's is deeper. They're both really thin. But Honey appears to be taller (I don't really think so). They both have long golden hair... Well, Chántel has darker hair with gold in it while Honey has just plain gold hair. They both have tan skin, but Chántel is darker. Argh!!! Why are you comparing two girls?! You should be focusing on Baymax.

His battery problem.... Chántel never seems to run out of energy. WOAH WHAT?! WHERE DID THAT JUST COME FROM?

I laid there on my bed, that evening with all of these thoughts running through my head until I finally fell asleep.
When I woke, I felt someone next to me. I opened my eyes, surprised to see Chántel lying next to me, my arms wrapped around her shivering body. It was quite cold. I pushed myself closer to her. I was close enough that her head rested beneath my chin, her forehead on my chest. I could hear her breathing slowly as she slept.

She was curled into a half-ball, her knees touched my stomach, her arms made an x-shape as they had once been on her chest. They laid limply on the bed. She shivered. It was getting colder. I pulled her up against me. The I realized that she wasn't asleep.

"T-Tadashi....aren't y-you c-c-cold?" Her teeth chattered. I pulled the sheets up over her body. I did feel a little cold, but not teeth-chattering cold.

"Nah, I'm fine. You're my only concern," I said. I noticed her eyes got wide she was staring behind me.

"Juan!! NO!! PLEASE... DONT HURT HIM.. I'll go with you... I'll marry you.. Just don't hurt him..." The scene changed with her words. We were in my lab. Chántel was on her knees, crying. I was being held with a strong arm. A knife was at my throat. I felt a light layer of lipstick on my lips. Then it struck me, I had kissed her. And she was pleading my captor to let me go. I struggled, and I felt the knife slit across my throat. Chántel screamed with anguish and anger. The look on her face was the same as the look on my mother's face before she died.

The scene changed again. I was in my room again. Chántel sat on my bed with my cap in her hands. Hiro walked in. He picked up the hat and set it on her head. She looked up at him and smiled. Tears were running down her cheeks. They were both wearing black. She had a ring on her finger. A wedding ring.
"He always wished you were his, you know." Hiro spoke solemnly.
"Yes... I know. And I wish he had been mine..."
I woke up in my room, sweating. It was still dark. The heat had been turned up for some reason. I turned it down and went back to my bed, where I had, apparently, fallen asleep. Hiro was sleeping peacefully in his bed. I laid back down thinking about my dream. Who was Juan? And why did she have a wedding ring?

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