Chapter 18: Goodbye, Tadashi

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Chántel's POV

I was hiding in my office. He was after me. He was look for me and he was angry. I had left my new phone in the hotel. He had discovered what had happened, where I had gone, who I was with. He had almost taken the ring that Tadashi gave me. Instead, he pulled off the ring that he gave me. I had escaped from the hotel and ran to the office. I knew he was still looking for me. I had to find a way to contact Hiro or Aunt Cass or Tadashi or Baymax. How....

I looked around my office. Winger! He was almost finished. I quickly worked on him, making him operational. Then I programmed him to deliver a message to one of the four. I turned him on and ran out of the building.

I threw Winger into the air, hoping that he would fly. Away he flew. HE WORKED!!! I stopped and watched him head in the direction of the cafe. That's when I heard fast footsteps behind me. I ran as fast as I could to SFIT. He was getting closer. I couldn't let him catch me. I turned a corner only to be met by a couple of his friends. I was trapped. me...please, where are you?

I looked around for a way out. The lab! It wasn't far. I backed up and ran the other way. When I reached the building, lights were still on and people still working on projects. I burst through the door and ran down the halls to Tadashi's lab. The lights were off. I opened the door and hid inside, under his desk.

A flashlight? Someone was here. In the lab. I stood up and quietly looked around the room. A boy was hiding in the corner. I recognized him as Hiro.

"Hiro? What are you doing in Tadashi's lab? Don't you have your own?"
Hiro jumped when he realized he had been discovered.
"Uh...ummm... Nothing! I was just...uhh... Picking this up." He pointed to a chip. A chip.
"And why do you need that? Programming something?"
"And what might that be?"

It was dark so he didn't notice the toolbox on the floor. He tripped over it and fell. "Oww...."
Baymax was alerted and quickly inflated and introduced himself. He walked over to Hiro and helped him. I had to get them both to be quiet. If anyone heard us (including Juan's pals) we would be dead.

"Why? No one's gonna be like, get out of here."
"Just shhhh!"

Too late. Two men burst through the door. Juan's men. Behind them came Juan.

"Oh great..." I cursed under my breath.

"Chántel! What are you doing at this place? Get out of here," Juan said harshly. He had a deep, rough voice. He noticed Hiro and Baymax. "And get them!"

His men attacked Hiro and Baymax. They captured Hiro with ease, but before they could do any damage to Baymax, Hiro yelled to him, "Baymax! Defense!"

Suddenly, Baymax ducked down and the men missed him. Then I realized what Hiro had been doing. Programming Baymax with fighting moves. Baymax grabbed a measuring tape and tied the men together. Then he walked over to Hiro to help him with his captors. He didn't seem dangerous until I noticed something. He was picking up pieces of armor and putting them on himself. It wasn't much, some simple protections, but it was helping him free Hiro.

The worst finally came. Tadashi walked in.
"What's going on here?!" He said as he took in the tied up men, Baymax freeing Hiro, and Baymax's armor.
"Hiro wha--" he stopped when his eyes caught sight of me hiding in the corner of the lab. "Chán? What's going on? I got Winger's message. Why did y--"

"NO! Juan please, leave him," I begged. Juan was holding Tadashi tightly, with a knife to his throat.
"So is this the other man you were with? He doesn't look like much. I could get rid of him easily. I'll do anything to keep you. Even if that means killing other men. Including him." Juan smiled greedily. Tadashi struggled.

"Please!! I beg you! Leave him alone! Him and his family! I'll....I'll do anything! Just please!!"
"Get rid of the ring he gave you. Then, maybe, I'll let him live."

I couldn't let Tadashi die. My eyes looked up at him. His brown eyes weren't filled with fear, they were filled with anger and regret and tears were threatening to spill as I removed the aquamarine ring and set it on Tadashi's desk.

"I'm sorry Tadashi."

"Now let's go, Chántel. We are going back home," he said as he cut Tadashi's cheek and threw him to the floor. "And you, you leave her alone. You'll never see her again, so don't bother trying." With that, he pulled me away, his men following.

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