Proglouge, Part 2: Chántel and the Stars

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~6 years after Mr. and Mrs. Hamada's deaths~

Tadashi's POV

My freshman year in high school. I couldn't believe it. Just a few more years and I could go to college. I walked into my first class of the day: science. My favorite class. Life science and robotic science. The only things I would ever be interested in.

Thoughts raced through my mind of what had happened since the accident. A lot. I had survived middle school just like any other kid could and would. And as good as I was in school, Hiro was better. He had this mind that fed on robotics and everything about that sole subject. I was just starting high school. And Hiro, although he's only nine, is starting middle school.

I couldn't believe it. My own little brother, starting middle school when he is nine. If only Mom and Dad could see him now. I wouldn't be surprised if within the first week they offer him to move up into my freshman class. You could never know when it came to Hiro. He was a child full of potential, that was being released slowly. Quite a struggle.
After a few more classes, I'm one of the lucky ones who gets a free period. Since I took all of the advanced classes, I get harder work, but my reward is a break class. I decide to head outside, where there are picnic tables for students who want to eat or work outside. I grabbed my book and walked outside. The autumn, a chilly season of bright colors. My favorite season, actually. I came to enjoy the cool air. I sat at one of the tables and opened my book. A girl about my age sat at another of the tables, quietly working on homework. A breeze pulled her papers away from her. I heard her shout for the papers and start running towards them...and me.

I stood up and jumped to grab one of the papers before it hit the tree behind me. I didn't really have to jump very high, being tall made it easy. The girl ran over to me as she collected the few runaway papers.

"I'm soooo sorry about this!!! Oh, I knew I should have stayed inside..." she stated to herself and me. Her voice was rich with a Hispanic accent. She looked up at me, literally. I towered over her. I held the paper out to her and she took it.

"Hey. I'm Tadashi." I tried to make my voice sound as friendly as possible. She facepalmed herself and finally looked me in the eye and spoke.
"Aye, I can't even remember to introduce myself. I'm Chántel. I moved here this year. I'm studying the sciences of outer space. Mostly I'm working on designing a new, more efficient way of space travel. It is very difficult, you see, with all of the measures and dangers of the Black. You must make sure the design can withstand the friction from the atmosphere and the return home must be safe and the... Oh, I'm rambling, aren't I. I'm so sorry." She looked deeper into my eyes. Her eyes were piercing blue that stood out against her many tan and darkened features.

"No, no. You're not. I find this interesting. My brother would soak all of your knowledge up in a minute though. He's quite the little prodigy," I laugh. She smiles. I was mesmerized. It shone like the gleaming sun, warm and sweet. "Maybe I could help with your design. I mean, I'm studying robotics and since you need a sleek design that can withstand friction at speeds of up to 17,000 mph, I can certainly help."

She laughs and accepts my offer. The bell rings; time for us to go to our next class. I hope to see her and her radiant smile again throughout the day.
((Heyy!! It's Altern! I've gotta go to sleep, so I'll continue in the morning! Yes, just so you know, there will be a part three!!! So be ready!!))

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