Chapter Three ANDEE and the WISE WHITE DOLPHIN

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From that day forth, Andee and the dolphins lived in the underwater cave on the island. Andee swam with Tingo and Tango and his new dolphin parents. He learned how to communicate with his new family and to swim like a dolphin at great speed. He also grew in size and strength and was able to hold his breath for very long periods.

Though Andee missed his parents terribly, so much time had passed that he'd given up hope of ever being found. So he made the best of things, and soon all the marine life grew to know, love, and respect him.

Tingo and Tango grew into fine, strong dolphins and could thrust their tails at high speed, flying out of the waves. They were both very proud of Andee and loved him like a brother.

However, something lay on Andee's mind, and the dolphins knew it.

One morning, Andee awoke on his bed of seaweed, giving voice to a yawn, then a stretch. He was up much earlier than usual—even before the dolphins. He decided to go exploring. He'd never ventured far into the cave before, but today he was curious and searching for answers.

He hopped over rocks, venturing deeper and further into the cave, down into the chilly darkness, until finally, he came to a watery light.

"Wow, it's another underwater opening." He tingled with curiosity. "I wonder where it leads too?" The pool sparkled in his eyes as if beckoning him to enter.

"Well, there's only one way to find out, I guess." He took lots of quick deep breaths and, with determination, dove into the icy water.

Andee swam into the unknown along a coral passage. No dolphins were here to help him, and Andee was running out of oxygen. His bones grew chilled and weak. He couldn't hold his breath for another second.

Just as his lungs were fit to burst, he saw slivers of light up ahead. It was the surface of another pool. He kicked as hard as he could while oxygen bubbles trailed from his mouth.

Andee rose to the surface and opened his lungs, drawing in the most prolonged breath of his life. It was like he'd been born again!

"It's another cave!" he panted while kicking his legs, circling the pool. Somehow this cave felt different. Andee clambered onto the rocks.

"What is this place?" His voice echoed around the walls. "Hello?" Is anybody here?"

His eyes stretched, noticing strange artifacts strewn across the floor. Do people live here? he thought. It seemed as if they might have once, a long time ago. Now, however, nobody was around.

"Hello, is anyone home? Hello?" he called again. Only the sound of his voice bounced back. Besides the old things littering the ground, no sign of life showed itself anywhere.

A loud rush of water roared behind him, and he swung around in fright. To his astonishment, it was a dolphin. But this dolphin was different—pure white from nose to tail with bright turquoise eyes.

Andee gasped as the dolphin spoke.

"Do not be afraid, Andee. I am called the Wise White Dolphin. We knew this day would come." He spoke in a wizardly voice. "You have found the Lost City. The people who lived here ruled the oceans, long before your time. They protected all the marine life, far and wide across the Great Seas.

"These treasures before you are precious and must never come into contact with humankind. You have been chosen, Andee the Aquanaut. You have been given a precious gift, one that comes with great responsibility. You must use it well."

And with that, the Wise White Dolphin vanished.

Andee was lost for words. He couldn't believe what he had just seen and heard. Chosen? Aquanaut? he thought. What can all this possibly mean?

With greater curiosity, he explored his surroundings. The walls of the cave turned pearly white, and he could see his reflection in them. As he moved closer, the walls moved.

Andee stepped back in fright. The stone wall stopped. He walked a little closer, and again the wall began to slide. Gradually, it opened with a grinding sound until a brilliant light shone into Andee's eyes, and he had to shield his face.

He gasped. "It's a secret door."

Cautiously, he stepped inside. "Wow." He gazed around in amazement. Diving equipment hung on the walls. The material reminded him of what his parents used to wear but with distinct differences. These suits shimmered as though they were alive. "They look like ... empty fish skins." He stared in awe at their magical presence.

Mixed among the clothing were fins, flippers, and diving-gloves, as well as belts and mouthpieces he had never seen before. He felt strangely drawn to them. As he stepped toward the suits, slowly stretching out his hand, a bright flash of light blinded his eyes. After blinking away the starbursts, he dropped his jaw. He was now encased in one of the suits.

"What's happening to me?" He studied his arms and legs in sheer astonishment as the suit grew over his body like a second skin.

Andee was no longer scared. He felt amazing! The suit felt right; it was a perfect fit. It felt like his destiny. He now knew this was what he had been searching for.

He gazed into the walls at his new reflection staring back at him.

He was Andee, Andee the Aquanaut, Guardian of the Great Seas; Protector of all Marine Life. He was going to make a difference, just like his parents!

 He was going to make a difference, just like his parents!

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Andee the Aquanaut in Guardian of the Great SeasWhere stories live. Discover now