Chapter One THE STORM

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It was a bright, sunny day on Atom Island.

Peter and Pauline were marine biologists working on the island's reef, taking samples from sea-sponges and other ocean fungi in their endeavors to find new medicines and cures for modern-day illnesses, so as to make a difference to the world.

They had a son called Andee, who was born on the island.

Andee enjoyed long summer days, playing on its white sandy beaches while his parents worked hard in their laboratory. Little did they know that Andee had made some friends on the island—two young dolphins he had named Tingo and Tango.

Tingo and Tango would come up to the water's edge while Andee sat on the shore. They'd call out to him, and Andee would clap with delight then run up and down the sand as Tingo and Tango mimicked his movements from the water. What fun they had on those long and glorious days.

As soon as his parents appeared, the dolphins would duck down and swim out of sight. Andee would giggle to himself. Mom and Dad always thought Tingo and Tango were imaginary friends!

"Where are they, darling?" they'd ask. "We've never seen them."

"Look!" Andee would insist. "Over there, see!"

But Mom and Dad would laugh. "Come on, Andee, it's time for dinner. Let's all go inside."

Not far from the water's edge, they had built a fine beach house out of bamboo. Andee loved to lie in the hammock on the deck and gaze up at a blanket of stars and out into space before he fell asleep.


"Morning, Andee," said Mom with a bright smile. "Time to get up."

Another lovely day had dawned with a light, easterly breeze. Andee sat up and gazed out to the ocean, where the sun glistened on top of the water.

What a great way to wake up, Andee thought as she handed him his usual breakfast of bananas and fish.

Mom said, "Dad and I are going out in the boat today, Andee, just around the outskirts of the reef where you'll be able to see us from the shore. We won't be too long, .

Andee nodded because his mouth was full of banana. He was used to his parents spending their days on the water.

"Morning, Andee," said Dad's muffled voice from beneath the dinghy he was carrying on his head. "How are you this morning, son?"

"Great, Dad!" replied Andee, watching him stroll down to the water's edge with just his feet and legs visible.

"Beep, beep." A silver robotic crab about the size of a dog ran out onto the deck, waving its pincers, scurrying after Andee's dad.

"Crabby!" called Andee. "You can't go! Come back here, boy!"

"Veep, veep." Lights flashed on Crabby's shell as he struggled, wondering who to run to. Crabby was a highly intelligent droid and the family pet, loved by all.

His mom kissed his head. "Now, remember what I said, Andee. Just stay on the beach where we can see you, alright?"

"Okay, Mom." Andee nodded.

His parents pulled on their scuba gear then started the motor. With one last wave, they powered over the reef into the rolling swell.

Andee loved what his parents did and couldn't wait until he was old enough to be like them and study the reef and all its treasures.

He sat on the golden sand, smudging it between his toes daydreaming for a bit before running down to the water's edge to play—just as Pauline had instructed. "Come on, Crabby, let's go boy" Andee beckoned him.

"Neep, neep." Crabby scurried sideways after him.

Soon, Andee's friends, Tingo and Tango, appeared.

Andee cheered as they swam up and down the shoreline, clowning around. As usual, they made him laugh, spinning out of the water, clapping their fins, and smiling with their wide mouths. Andee waded in up to his waist so he could pat and stroke their shiny heads. Tango sprayed Andee with his breather-hole, which made him giggle and run back to the beach.

However, while all this was happening, Andee hadn't noticed the sun had gone, obscured by dark, rolling clouds.

A strong wind came gusting across the sand, sweeping his dark brown hair across his forehead. His blue eyes squinted out to sea. The swell was rising. The ocean was surging up the beach, and large waves came crashing on the sand. Mom and Dad were nowhere to be seen. Andee searched the horizon.

He looked for his friends, Tingo and Tango. Where are they? He panicked. They, too, had vanished. A thwack of lightning split the sky, followed by a loud rumble of thunder. Andee was frightened. The sky grew darker still, and the ocean rose higher than he'd ever seen before.

Crabby placed his pincers over his eyes and whistled with fright. "Weeeep woooooo"

"I know, boy. What are we going to do? I can't see Mom and Dad anywhere."    

Lightning etched its path across the sky, showing Andee the force of the storm. The whole island had lit up. Another roar of thunder boomed, this time directly over their heads. Palm trees bent in the wind; the beach house was covered in seafoam. Andee yelled for his parents. "Mom! Dad!"

No reply came.

As a monstrous wave grew over their heads, he gasped, his eyes stretched wide. "Crabby! Come on, boy! Run!" he shouted. But they were instantly swept off their feet. The beach house was smashed to bits, the sound of cracking wood blending with the roar of thunder and waves. The laboratory and all his family's belongings were gone.

Thrashing around, Andee was ripped underwater, yelling for help in a cloud of bubbles. "Crabby!" he shouted stretching out a hand to grab him, but Crabby was pulled away.

"Neeeeeeeeep!" His lights flashed as he disappeared.

Andee, tugged below the water again, couldn't hold his breath any longer. His lungs were fit to burst! He passed out. 

From out of the blackness of the churning sea, a dolphin appeared

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From out of the blackness of the churning sea, a dolphin appeared ... and then another. The two dolphins held onto Andee and raced off into the deep. 

Andee the Aquanaut in Guardian of the Great SeasWhere stories live. Discover now