Chapter Seven ANDEE and the TURTLES' EGGS

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Andee watched the horizon as the last of the turtles' humps faded into the moon's glade. What could be taking their eggs? he thought.

He roamed around the island, searching for any clues as to what could be pinching the turtles' eggs. However, nothing seemed to be around to cause concern. After running back down the beach, he somersaulted and dove into the ocean. As he did so, his dive lights flicked on, coning the way ahead.

A reef shark shot out in front of him. Startled by Andee's lights, the shark darted away. Andee gave chase for some fun, and they sped across the reef.

This is great! Andee thought. It's like headlights on a racetrack. "Come on, Reefy," he called.

The reef shark couldn't outswim him. So he turned on Andee to give chase! But Andee ducked out of sight, switching off his lights, hiding behind a coral rock.

The reef shark stopped, confused.

"Come on, Reefy, keep up." Andee shot out, flicking on his beam. "I'm Andee, Andee the Aquanaut. Don't you know?"

The game went on. Reefy had certainly never come across anyone or anything like Andee before!

Andee slowed in his tracks. A cold chill traveled down his spine. The sound of a distant engine was growing louder, heading straight for Star Island.

"The eggs!" He punched his fist.

In a flash, Andee spun around and raced off in the direction of the boat. Reefy, still thinking it was part of the game, chased after him.

Andee thought back to his old life when his dad had chased bad men away in boats because they kept taking precious marine life from the reef. How angry Dad would be when he came home after a day at sea, because of—

"POACHERS!" cried Andee. "It's poachers who are stealing the giant turtles' eggs."

As he came around the reef, the boat approached the island. It was a small orange-and-black dinghy with an outboard motor, and it wouldn't be long before it reached the shore.

Andee stopped dead in his tracks, thinking, What can I do; what can I do?

Reefy almost collided with him. "What's wrong, Andee?" he asked, noticing his worried face.

"Poachers ..." whispered Andee. "They're going for the eggs."

"What eggs?" Reefy shrugged his fins.

"The eggs of the Giant Turtles whose nests are on the beach; I'm supposed to be protecting them. The giant turtles are counting on me. I need to think of a plan. I promised the turtles I'd keep them safe."

The boat was getting close to shore. The men would be landing on the beach any second.

Andee snapped his fingers. "I've got it!" he said in excitement. "Reefy, where are your friends and family?"

"On the other side of the Island, feeding on a shoal of mackerel," replied Reefy.

"Can you call them?" Andee asked. "And get them all to come around here? I need your help. I need all of your help, please!"

"Don't worry, Andee," Reefy shouted as he motored away. "I'll go get them!"

Andee swam closer to the poachers, and his heart stopped. The engine had cut out. They must be getting out of the boat, he thought. I'm too late!

He dove underneath the dinghy, watching the men tying up the boat and climbing ashore. What can I do?

Then he remembered Dad dolphin's words: "Use your fin!"

Andee powered from under the boat. With a tilt of his head, he rose above the waterline, cutting it with his fin like a shark!

One of the men, who was about to put his foot in the water, cried out, "Shark! Over there, it's a shark!" All the men pulled their legs back into the boat.

It's working, thought Andee as he dove back under out of sight.

"Come on, men," grumbled the big boss man. "You're not afraid of one little shark, are you?" Those turtles' eggs are worth a fortune!"

Andee took off again, circling the boat. The men were scared. None of them wanted to put a toe in the water. "I'm not getting eaten," one complained. "You go ahead if you want those eggs so badly."

"Where are you, Reefy?" Andee whispered. "You and your friends? I need you."

The boat rocked back and forth as the big boss stood up to climb out. He rolled up his pants and clutched a small lantern. Stepping over the side, he snickered. "Watch this, boys!" He placed his toes into the water and began to wade toward the beach.  

Andee heard a sound, like the rushing wind cutting the surface of the water. It was Reefy and all his gang!

"SHAAARKS ..." shouted the men in the boat. "Hundreds of sharks!"

The big boss had never moved so quickly in all his life. He saw scores of fins slicing toward him. He jumped back into the boat as fast as lightning. All the reef sharks swarmed around the dinghy circling, waiting for the men to dare get back into the water.

"Let's get out of here!" shouted the big boss. "Move it! Get that engine started. Sharks! I hate sharks!"

Andee clapped and cheered as the would-be poachers motored away over the reef and out to sea, disappearing into the night.

"Reefy, you did it!" Andee praised. "Those men won't be back. You all did it. You helped to save the eggs. Thanks very much!" Andee called to the sharks.

"Glad we could help, Andee. Anytime you need us, just ask," said Reefy. And with that, the shiver of reef sharks turned on their fins and swam off into the moonlit sea.

The eggs were safe for now

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The eggs were safe for now. 

Andee the Aquanaut in Guardian of the Great SeasWhere stories live. Discover now