Chapter Twenty-Three The Room of the Water Spirits

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They swam toward the kingdom, eventually reaching the shoreline. There, many shadows flickered in the light of flaming torches, as an army of mermen stood along the beach.

"There he is!" shouted Zadora. "He tried to kidnap the princess, and he has already killed two of our men! I saw him do it with my own eyes. Guards, seize him!"

Yolanda shouted back, "No! No! It's not true."

But her voice was drowned out by Zadora's. "Save the princess. Gold for anyone who can bring me the boy!" she commanded.

Yolanda turned to Andee. "Run!"

They sprinted toward the castle, dodging the guards' outstretched hands. "We must get to my father before we're caught," panted Yolanda.

The mermen guards snarled, "Get the boy!" as they chased close behind.

Yolanda and Andee reached the castle doors.

"Seize him!" the guards shouted. "Stop the boy! He has killed two of us and is taking the princess!"

They avoided swiping hands and jabbing spears, sprinting down the castle corridors searching for somewhere to hide. All the doors slammed shut in their faces.

"There's nowhere to escape, Andee. They won't let us in!"

As they reached the king's chambers, its door bolted shut, too.

"Father!" Yolanda shouted, pounding her fist on the door. "Father, please help us!"

"He can't save you now, child," an elderly voice called from behind. "Your father is gravely ill ... he cannot hear you."

Andee and Yolanda swung around. There standing before them was a very old mermaid with silver-white hair and a pale face. "We don't have much time," she said as a concealed door creaked open.

"They'll be here any second." Andee panicked, hearing soldiers marching down the hallway.

"You must come with me; it's your only chance. Trust me, Yolanda. I knew your mother once; your real mother, that is."

"My real mother?" Yolanda gasped.

"Yes, child. Now, follow me!"

They bolted through the door, which shut tightly behind them. From the outside, no trace of the door remained.

They followed the mermaid into a dark, dusty stone corridor strewn with cobwebs. It seemed like this part of the castle hadn't been used for hundreds of years. After lighting a torch, the mermaid led the way into flickering shadows. "Do not be afraid," she whispered.

"Your mother and I were good friends until she died. But the king and I never saw eye-to-eye. I was in line to be your guardian after your mother, Arianna, died. But I was forced out of the castle because I was in love with someone, which was forbidden. I have been a prisoner in the castle, living in solitude ever since, and now this is my one and only chance to help you, Yolanda. How pretty you have grown. You have turned into a fine young lady. Your mother would have been so proud."

"It would have been a pleasure to have you as my guardian," Yolanda replied. "I am so sorry for you. Thank you for helping us. Maybe we can all go to my father and explain everything. He will know we are telling the truth, and I'll tell him how you helped us. Please, what is your name? I can help you to get permission to stay in the castle. You could stay with us from now on."

"My name is Arabella." She smiled. "Thank you, for your kindness, princess, but it is not necessary now."  

"Why not?" Yolanda asked.

Andee the Aquanaut in Guardian of the Great SeasWhere stories live. Discover now