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When Andee came round, he found himself lying on a smooth, colorful surface, like an enormous shell. "Woo, I feel dizzy, where am I?" 

He tried to turn his head to get a better view of his surroundings, wondering what had happened to him. "I can't move." He struggled.

It seemed he was paralyzed, only able to circle his eyes. He glanced to his left, seeing the deep ocean and colorful lights.

The jellyfish, he remembered.

His eyes fixed on them waltzing closer then drifting around him. They shook their tentacles as if telling him off.

But strangely, Andee felt safe this time, and his body slowly returned to normal. A sense of warmth filled his heart. A gentle voice filled his mind.

"Andee, we've been waiting for this day for so many ocean years now," said the voice.

"Who are you?" Andee tried to find where the voice was coming from.

"Unlike many creatures who communicate through talking, we jellyfish communicate through thought and color," the voice continued.

"Where are you?" Andee demanded

"Please try to relax. If you relax, you'll feel where I am. You will come to no harm. I promise."

Andee followed the voice's instructions and slowly relaxed. Gradually, he felt something different beneath him. Instead of the hard shell, it became soft and more colorful.

I'm not on a giant shell, Andee thought. No, not at all. It's a gigantic jellyfish!

"Can you feel me now, Andee the Aquanaut, Marine Protector?" the jellyfish asked. It was the queen. 

"Yes, I can feel you," Andee replied. The numbness had passed, so he sat up.

Andee watched the swarm of jellyfish studying him curiously, pulsing their colors. A baby jellyfish, with a bright yellow hue, squished playfully in front of his facemask then back to his mom. "Is he Andee the Aquanaut? The one we've been searching for?" asked the little jellyfish.

"Yes, if the queen says so," the mother answered, illuminating in orange tones.

"But why is he a human boy?" an older jellyfish asked, sparkling blue as he made an inquisitive circuit around Andee's head.

"I believe the Wise Sea must have her reasons," the queen jellyfish responded.

Andee blinked in sheer surprise. He could understand every message carried in the colors emanating from the jellyfish.

"Why me?" he questioned. "Why can I understand all of you?"

The queen explained, "We jellyfish have been the messengers of the Great Seas since time began. Having no mouths, we are only able to communicate with each other through the power of thought. You are the Chosen One. We are at your service. You're able to understand us because when you were stung, we passed our magic sense into your heart and mind, and now we are one."

"The Chosen One." Andee smiled, remembering the Wise Dolphin's words.

"Yes, you are Andee the Aquanaut, Protector of all Marine Life. You can now communicate with the jellyfish in the entire ocean's network. We can send messages to you rapidly, over thousands of nautical miles. That's our promise to you, but we don't want anyone to know our abilities. It would limit our actions. And those will be of great use to you, Andee, in your quests. We are trusting in you."

Andee stood proud as all the jellyfish swarmed around him in a ceremony, accepting him as their own. "I shall protect the oceans at all costs." Andee punched his fist while they swirled around him in celebration.

The queen ordered Andee's safe return to the cave entrance. Andee kept her last words close to his heart: "We are now both one in our thoughts, and we will forever be a guide and friend to Andee the Aquanaut. We will help you if and when necessary. We'll keep a watchful eye on every movement from every corner of the ocean."

When Andee returned home to his family, everyone was asleep except for Mom dolphin. She asked, "Where have you been, Andee? "You missed all the fun, and I was concerned for you."

Andee wanted to tell her all about the talking jellyfish. But he remembered what the queen had said: "We don't want anyone to know what we can do."

He hesitated before replying. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

Andee remembered the reef sharks, so he told Mom dolphin about the poachers. "I've made many new friends. We protected the giant turtles' eggs together."

Mom dolphin gazed at Andee with love in her eyes and said, "I'm proud of you, my boy. This is why the Wise Dolphin chose you. Now, you must be very tired. Time to get some rest."

Andee climbed into his seaweed bed

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Andee climbed into his seaweed bed. "Yes." He yawned wearily. "I think I should go back and visit the Wise Dolphin because I found ..." But Andee was too tired to finish his sentence. He fell into a deep and restful sleep.

Andee the Aquanaut in Guardian of the Great SeasWhere stories live. Discover now