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Before long, Andee saw the jellyfish again. Keeping his distance, he followed them, making sure as not to be seen.

Strangely, as he hid behind coral, Andee didn't sense anything unusual about them anymore. Maybe I've been too suspicious, he thought. Perhaps I should turn back and go home.

While he was pondering this, he noticed a flickering light out of the corner of his eye. He glanced around but saw nothing. He wiped his facemask to check his vision.

What was that? he thought. Maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

He began to swim away but saw the light again, only this time flashing inside one of the jellyfish, which jerked from side to side, up and down in a very extraordinary manner. Andee observed this bizarre behavior as all the jellyfish did the same.

"This is fascinating," he said to himself.

Spellbound, he focused on them, their insides illuminating as they swam into a deep-sea cave. The light from their bodies lit up the cavern when they swished inside.

I'm going to follow them, he thought. He dimmed the light on his facemask then kicked his flippers closer to the entrance. Crouching low, he held his breath, not wanting his oxygen bubbles to attract attention.

A burst of light filled his vision. Andee covered his facemask. An enormous jellyfish appeared, shining in beautiful vivid colors that bounced around the cave walls.

"Wow." Andee gasped. Maybe that's the queen?

In moments, the jellyfish surrounded the queen, mimicking her hues: orange, pink, red, green, blue, and purple—all the colors of the rainbow were under the sea.

Andee's mouth fell open in astonishment What an unbelievable spectacle of nature! He gazed in awe as the pallet reflected on his face. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. One little bubble snuck out of his mouth and water crept in; it tickled the back of his throat. He couldn't help it—he had to cough. Then he sneezed! Ah-choo! The sound echoed.

The jellyfish queen heard him, dashing in front of his face—her bright colors blinding his mask. Andee couldn't see.

"Who are you?" her voice boomed.

For the first time in his life, Andee heard a jellyfish talk ... but it didn't have a mouth to speak from.

It's all in my imagination. He squinted his eyes tight. Jellyfish can't talk.

"WHO ARE YOU?" repeated the jellyfish queen, louder, while her colors pulsed.

Andee tried to peek at the jellyfish between his fingers. Too shocked to reply.

Instantly he felt a sharp jab into his suit, followed by an intense searing pain like he'd never felt before. "I've been stung!" he cried out in bubbles.

The jellyfish queen was too suspicious, thinking he was a threat.

Andee became weaker by the second as the poison spread through his body. He was losing feeling in his arms, feet, and legs.

"Who are you!?" The jellyfish queen demanded for the third time.

His strength faded, his eyes fluttering. "I'm Andee, Andee the Aquanaut, Protector of all Marine—"

 "I'm Andee, Andee the Aquanaut, Protector of all Marine—"

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The light on his facemask slowly dimmed. His suit shut down ...then Andee passed out. 

Andee the Aquanaut in Guardian of the Great SeasWhere stories live. Discover now