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I need to find clues. I need find evidence of some sort. All this stuff runs a mile a minute in my head as i race home. I enter my apartment " Hey Mark wheres Mary we need to org-" I cut her off " Shut up I'll explain later," I race to my computer. What was that girls name Jennifer? Jenny? I pull out the piece of paper she wrote down her email on I type 'Jenny what happend at the park this is urgent I know you saw us on the park bench what happend after we kissed please its urgent I'm not a monster' and send wait their for 5 min until she responded 'Don't ever email me again you freak I you do I will realise your information out to public, good bye' she had underlined the word information. Did he posses me as we kissed? Was that it? I dare to email her again, 'Please can you give me a hint of what I or someone else did!' I ask her and she responds instently 'Darkiplier' well geez that helped isn't that kind of obvious. She sent another email 'I wont release anything but if you even think of coming after me then I will and also one more thing I saw you write down something in notes on your phone before you" she ended it right there. What did I do? No not I he what did he do. "Mark what the hell!" she says " Where the hell is Mary?" she asks getting worried now "He took her" I say not wanting to explain everything "Who took her!?" "Darkiplier" I say in a grave voice yet mocking voice " Isnt that your channel Markiplier?" she says still not getting it "I said DARKiplier" I say getting even more fustrated than I already am "I just give you the quick run down I have a demon but I gave up love so I could have a life without him the being that took my abilitiy to love away gave me the opportunity to love again when it told me that she was flying over for the month. They said they would moniter me on how i do in situations. bu- But I guess I failed," I say with my voice cracking. " Mark if he's you than couldn't you like remeber or something?" she says like its so easy "He is me but he is his own being, He can be an acutulal flesh man and be a spirit that poseses me, but I was rendered unconscious so I dunno what to do!" I say about to loose it. "SHE WAS UNDER MY CARE I AM RESPONSIBLE!" I scream now completely angry. The note, I reach for my pockets and pull out my phone
" Go back through memory lane
When you and I were sane
Back where I was cast away
Where my anger runs like pompeii
In 7 days time you dont succeed
Where she stands is where she bleeds"

Darkness returns Markiplier x OC / Darkiplier x OCWhere stories live. Discover now