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"Mark is back at his apartment, wondering where you guys are, we shall transport you there then back to the woods. If not you will physically never get to see her again." Ok, let's just pretend that I understood at least half of that, I still can't wrap my mind around everything that's happened in just a matter of minutes? Hours? I can't even tell. "Deal." Ros says with no hesitation. As we feel our vision weaken and carpet under our shoes.

"ROS! CASSANDRA!" I hear Mark call out from the living room. "It sounds like he just got here? What?" We rush down to the living room where he embraces us. "How long was I gone? Do you think we still have time?!" Ros and I both look at each other. "Um... we've been gone too..." I mumble not looking at Mark. "What? Wha-" he looks at Ros then rage just bursts out in less then a second.

Mark shoves Ros onto the wall holding down his fists. "HOW EVEN DARE YOU! YOU CANT MAKE UP FOR THIS YOU KNOW THAT! NOW WE COULD HAVE BEEN GONE FOR WEEKS NOW AND BE TOO LATE DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOUVE DONE?!" Mark screams at him inches away from his face. I've never seen such rage before, I felt my legs turn to stone. "M-ma-" I try to speak but I can only make out that. He looks over at me to see me shaking in fear. "I- I'm sorry." And with that he stormed out of the room.

I look over at Ros who was still stuck to the wall with shock. I started running in the direction of Mark. "Wait! That's not-" I ignored him and continued running. I knock on his bedroom door while walking in. "What's the point on knocking if you're going to come in anyway?" He says packing back and fourth. "My whole life is coming a part," he says putting his hands to his head. "My- my fans probably think I'm dead! Oh god! How am I going to travel back in time if my car is over there!" He continues rambling while pacing. He plops down on the bed with his hand on his face. "How am I going to save her..." he mumbles through his hands. "I'm sorry, I truly am. I shouldn't have gotten all of you guys involved with everything. I should have just suffered through everything on my own. I'm so, so sorry..." I sit down next to him, with my hand awkwardly on his back. I'm not good with comforting, or anything involving other peoples emotions. I understand them but I'm just so unsure how I handle it. "Mark- uh- we- I mean Ros and I, got a deal so we can save her-" he gazed up at me with almost- sorrowful eyes. After pausing for an awkward moment of eye contact. "Uh- anyway- we are going to be able to save her, they said that there going to teleport us somehow. We can save her-" he cuts me off. "The Daze, they don't give out stuff for free, it's an eye for an eye!" He said getting up. "Yes, we know but we will pay out in good time!" I confidently say. "Let's hope." He says getting up and rushing to the living room.

Ros is sitting on the couch, it almost looked like, he was praying. Which throws me way off because him and I don't have any religion. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," Mark grumbles in his direction heading towards the kitchen. "Cas," he calls out before I could walk away from him. "I'm sorry, I really hope you get that through your head, but I love you, I want you to remember that, ok?" He says with innocent eyes. "I will," I mutter quietly as Mark comes back with salt. "Ok, Ros, can you help me?"

Darkness returns Markiplier x OC / Darkiplier x OCWhere stories live. Discover now