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"What do we do now?" I ask Ros still hiding my face from him. "I am so sorry you had to find out this way," he says not answering my question "Thats not what I asked." I say in a calm yet angered voice. "I won't answer that question till I know that you have forgiven me," he begins to cry. "DONT YOU DARE GIVE ME THAT BULL SH*T ROS!" I scream with my own tears rolling down my face. " YOU CANT JUST TELL ME THAT I WAS DEAD AND YOU KILLED FOR ME WITH ME BEING OK WITH IT! I HAVE LOST HALF OF MY LIFE BECAUSE OF YOU! I CANT REMEMBER ANY OF MY CHILDHOOD OR ANYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE BEFORE YOU!" I begin to sob profusely. Through the sobs I was able to say " I-I---Lo--ve-- yu *cough*-You--so-Much-- That it HURTS!" I continue to sob trying to comprehend what my life is. "I- you- it's just- I couldn't- knowing- go on-" he tries to say through his tears. . I try my best to sniffle back my tears, "The more time we wast the less time we will have to save them," I finally say. "Time doesn't exists here, do you forgive me." He says again. "I haven't decided yet." I respond. I love him. But I hate him so much at the same time. My whole life is a lie, I don't even know where my family is, yet I feel like I don't want to. I feel a whole lot of emotions, I'm a girl after all. And I'm no sociopath. "I'm sorry, I am so, so sorry." he says yet again. "There is everything to be sorry about," I say looking at him with pain in my eyes. "Why did you bring me back," I question looking him in the eye. He looks shocked for a second then grasps his words. "Not even hell would have felt as worse with a world without you," he says. "I would have killed myself if I didn't already know that there was another way, and I regret it so much. That day I woke up from the coma and discovers I" he put enfaces on the I, " had killed you, I went back to my house, found my Dads gun and held it up to my head, I wasn't afraid of death. I thought that just maybe it would bring me to you. But then everything turned heavenly white and they made the offer. I made the deal with no further thought to what might be my consequences." He began to sob again "You couldn't go back to see your family, you felt like you were responsible for my family's death, we had to disappear from everything." His whole body begins to shake from the memories flooding in. "I found you with the same gun I was about to use held up to your head, so I bounded you together and called apon The Daze and whipped your memories, I set it up so we would "meet at college," and it pains me everyday to look at you to remember you holding that gun to your head- I just can't" he collapse into a fit of sobs. "I am sorry for your loss then," I say, my tears rolling down without a sound.

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