Marys POV

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I board the plane thinking of all the stuff im going to do. I sit down next to Cas who is sitting next to Ros. Ros is a quiet man with light, curly, brown hair and a pointed nose. I try to explain what I what im so excited about to Cas but she just says the occasional yeah umhum yeah as she stared down at her iPhone. Half way through she finnaly says what the first day is going to be like. I wasn't angry at her for I knew that we would have the whole month to do whatever. she says when we land we are going to walk around for a little bit and then probably swing by a coffe shop and after we've relaxed we'd go hotel searching and probably spend the first day in our rental car. But I was too excited to care.

We are finnaly at the coffe shop as I'm the guest and honor to be here I go order our drinks and as I start walking back to the table with three full cups in my hand I clumsily run into some one spilling all three of my drinks. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry I'll clean that up" but he is also saying the same " I'm so clumsy I got it please," as we are both on all fours picking up and wiping the floor we both get up to our feet. I look at his shoes that lead up to blue jeans that leads to an iconic black shirt and "M" that leads to a black haird man with glasses "Oh hello" I say with a blush on my face " Hey my names Mark-" I cut him off, " I know who you are. I mean I know ive seen you on youtube" oh gosh youidiot the first guy you see and you goof it up. "oh im flatterd." he says playfully batting his eyes at me. I couldn't help but blush again "my names Mary". and after stareing at each other he finnaly says "You and your friends probably want new drinks" he asks in a fancy voice "yeah probably". " here I'll pay for it" "Thank you so much" he pays for me and help bring our drinks to our table I offer for him to sit with us at our table "Oh whos this," Casandra asks as we make our way to the table "Oh you must be a part of one of those fandom things judging by your shirt. Mary has one just like it. What you say it was from. a youtuber or something like that named.. uh.. Markiplier wasn't it? yeah Markiplier and she adores him and-" "Cas your embaresing me.." I say to her in a low voice as my face turned bright red "Why you two obivously like this youtuber" I take a big sigh " Cas you didnt let me introduce you to him. Casandra, Ros meet Mark, Mark meet Casandra and Ros." "ohhh" she says with her head slowly hanging down.
so we talk for couple hours and so we talk about where I'm from and that this next year is going to be my last year of college and how we don't have a place to stay just yet and it being our first day here. "Oh I have just enough room in my apartment for you guys to stay." oh god I'm fangirling so much on the inside.

We arived at Marks place and unpacked our things. " I have one guest room and a couch."Markiplier says gesturing us to the room "I'll use the couch. The lovely couple over here shall use the bed. But I don't want anything happening you got that." I started to wag my finger at them we all started laughing. As I got the couch ready Mark was helping. "I have some extra pillows and an extra conferter if you need some. "He says with a grin "Yeah- uh that sounds great." I say as I unpack my stuff I realize I have my Markiplier shirt with me I pull it out and examin it making sure that its not damaged. I hear footsteps going down the spiral stair case and quickly shove it under one of the couch cushions. He comes back with a boatload of sheets and pillows " This enough?" He says as if it weren't obvious "Yeah yeah thank you for showing hospitality dude." I say sheepishly "Yeah no problem, hey I'm gonna go up and record if that cool"he says making his way towards the stairs "Yeah i'll go tell Cas and Ros to be quiet" as I say as an orange cat brushed up against my leg. "Huh thats weird shes not to kind to strangers even wade." he says in a puzling tone. "Nobody likes Wade" "hahaha" "Animals adore me" i say as i scrach behind its ear. "ok i gotta go"
"K bye-bye" i say copying his outro which thank god made him laugh.

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