Chapter 23

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Zoë's POV

"Thanks Michael, I hope so, too." I say as he practically shoves me out the door.

I wonder what's up with him.

"Hello." A voice says behind me making me jump.

I spin around and relax when I see it's only Zayn.

"You scared me you dick!" I say slapping his arm.

"Sorry about that. Hey I see you got a boot." He says pointing to my foot.

"Yeah Michael went out and got it for me, along with this amazing dress. I didn't even ask him to, he just did it." I explain as we get into his jet black convertible.

Zayn inherited a lot of money from his parents when they passed away. He really doesn't like to use it all that much but there are certain things he just can't resist.

Cars and hair products.

"Well you look great." He says, flashing me a smile.

"Yeah you, too." I say giving him a smile back.

He really did. He had on a black suit with a red tie and red pocket hankie. He looked very sharp.

He starts the engine and begins driving, putting on some Rihanna.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says concentrating on the road.

Don't get me wrong, I like Rihanna, but I'm more into guy singers and bands. Michael knows exactly what I like. He always throws on some All Tim Low or Set It Off and we jam out together.

But this was fine too.......I guess.


When we arrive at the restaurant, we walk up to the maître d' and Zayn gives her his name. She walks us over to a table in a remote section of the restaurant where there weren't many people.

"This place is really nice." I comment.

"Yeah, I don't come here often, but when I do you know it's a special occasion." He says winking at me.

Wow, he considered me special. Of course I turned a bright shade of pink as I looked through the menu before deciding on the shrimp and alfredo cavatappi. I freakin' love pasta, so long as it doesn't have red sauce on it.

"Hello, my name is Jenny, and I will be your server today. What can I get you to drink?" Jenny asks in a preppy and super happy voice. Ew.

"I'll have a tonic water with lime." Zayn orders and after the women finishes writing down his order she turns to me.

"I'll have an appletini with a corona chaser please. Ooo maybe a Stella Artois, too. Oh and come back later to see how I'm feeling." I order promptly.

She writes that down as well and when she walks away Zayn looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you drink much?"

"No, but when I'm nervous, it helps calm me down." I explain, making him nod to himself.

"There's nothing to be nervous about Zee. It's only little o'l me." He says, playing footsy with me under the table, making me laugh.

"Stop! She's coming back." I whisper yell, kicking his shin.

"Ouch!" He yelps, cringing his face.

"Here we go, a appletini with a corona chaser and Stella Artois for the lady and a tonic water with lime for the gentleman. Are you okay sir?" She asks seeing his face.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, cramp." He explains making me giggle.

"Oh shut it." He mumbles.

"Alright then, what can I get you two today?" Jenny asks.

"I'd like the shrimp and alfredo cavatappi please."

"I'll have the steak sirloin medium rare."

After she writes down our orders, she rushes off to the kitchen to place them.

"Wow, still getting the pasta I see." He comments.

"Yep, same as our first date."

Zayn and I had dated all through junior and half of senior year. He was so sweet and loved me so much, but things got complicated when I couldn't handle being in that place anymore.

By 'that place' I mean our high school. It was awful, with hundreds of mean people who all, for some reason, chose me as the outcast. I never had any friends. I was never talked to. I felt like I wanted to die when people would look at me with glares of disgust.

Then Zayn came along.....

He made it all seem less horrible for me and I could bear through the day without having terrible thoughts like, 'Why can't I just die? Everyone here would be better without me.'

I would have never, ever have been able to get though it without him.


"Do you remember what we did on that night?" He asks taking a sip of his drink.

"Perfectly. We went out to dinner, then you took me back to your house and showed me something I would never forget." I answer.

"I thought I showed you that on our, what was it, 6th date." He says smirking.

I laugh causing me to spit my drink back into its glass. We both sit there laughing back and forth at each other's stupidity until the waitress brings us or food. She places the steaming meals in front of us and my mouth begins to water.

"Bon appetite!" She says then walks away.

I dig immediately dig in and my mouth explodes with the scrumptious flavors of the shrimp and cheese mixing together.

"Fuuuuuck." I exhale loudly.

"Are you having food sex?" He asks, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yep." I say taking another bite.

"Is it good?" He asks laughing.

"Oh I can't even explain how good this is. Wait, actually I can. It's good enough to get my pregnant with a food baby." I explain forking a piece of shrimp and shoving it into my mouth.

After about 5 minutes 3/4 of my plate was gone whereas Zayn had only gotten though about 1/3 of his.

"I'm soo full." I exclaim, rubbing my stomach.

"Me too." He says wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"You barely ate!" I argue, but groan in pain when the exaggeration causes my stomach to shift.

"I guess I don't have a big stomach." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Soooo you're calling me fat."

"No!" He says trying to take back his comment.

"No, you know what Zayn. Goodbye." I say and get up from the chair, grabbing my bag and starting to walk to the front of the restaurant.

"Zee! C'mon I wasn't saying you were fat. I wish I coul-"

"Shut up Zayn I know you weren't saying that." I say, turning around to walk back to the table, giggling to myself about how easy it was to trick people. Especially Michael, he falls for it every time.

"God you're a good bluffer." He says, wiping the worry from his eyes.

Jenny comes back later and gives us our bill. Zayn pays and we head out to his car.

"So what's next?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He says smirking as he begins to drive.

Oh god.


A/N: Surprise! It's gonna be 2 parts.

Yay!!! Am I right?

Lol, nope I bet y'all are pissed.

Oh well.

Hope you enjoyed <3

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