Chapter 2

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Michael's POV


I slam my fist down on my alarm clock in an attempt to shut it up without having to get out of bed. To my misfortune, I hit the corner of the clock and it fell to the ground still screeching.

"Uuughhhh." I groan as I roll out of bed and turn off my alarm.

I stand up and stretch my muscles out before proceeding to my bathroom to get ready.

After about 20 minutes, I have showered, fixed my hair, and gotten dressed.

I walk downstairs into my kitchen and raid the contents of my refrigerator to try and find something to eat. Ashton usually does the grocery shopping so I have been living off of scraps for the past few days.

After eating whatever I could find in my refrigerator, I grabbed my leather jacket and head out the front door.


"Lucas! Where the hell are you?" I yell searching for Luke.

I hear giggling coming from behind the counter at the coffee shop. Oh my god he was such a little dork.

I continue calling his name, making him think I have no idea where he is. I sneak around the other side of the counter and see him kneeling on the floor with his hands covering his mouth to keep from laughing. It wasn't working very well.

I crawl up behind him before grabbing both of his shoulders and shaking him while screaming "BOO!"

Luke releases a high pitched scream and throws himself backward, causing him to knock me over, too.

I hear Luke bump the counter really hard causing a coffee mug to fall off of the counter. We both yelp as the hot liquid spills over both of us and we scramble to get up and away from the scolding hot substance.

As Luke tries to stand up on his giraffe legs, he accidentally elbows me in the face causing me to fall backward once again.

The side of my face hits the floor and I feel immediate pain in my left cheek. I look down to see a pool of blood.


The coffee mug must have broken and I just slammed my face down into a piece of it.

"Damn it Luke! Get me the first aid kit, it's in back." I yell at him.

Luke returns with the first aid kit and I get up to walk to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Luke asks.

"Um to the bathroom to see if I have a piece of fucking glass stuck in my face." I reply bitterly.

"Coffee mugs aren't made of glass." Luke recants.

"You know what I fucking meant." I say rolling my eyes.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I see streams of blood trickling down my face and onto my brand new shirt. I examine the wound and see that there was indeed a nice chunk of glas...or whatever coffee mugs were made of, stuck in it.

I open the first aid kit and find a pair of tweezers. I carefully work the shard out of my cheek wincing as I do so, and set it on the edge of the sink. Damn that hurt.

I find a piece of gauze and some surgical tape and secure it tightly to my wounded face.

"You look hot." I sarcastically tell myself as I look at my bandaged face in the bathroom mirror.

I pack up the first aid kit and exit the bathroom.

I return the first aid kit to its place and find Luke trying to clean up my blood and the shards of....whatever.

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