Chapter 34

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Zoë's POV

"Oh my god." Michael says as he freezes.

I look to the couch and see what he's startled by. Luke, Ashton, Niall, Zayn and my brother are sitting in a row staring at us.

"Hey guys." Luke calls.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask, eyeing Michael to put me down, which he does.

"Well, it's a long story-" Luke starts, but I cut him off.

"I don't care." I say flatly. (A/N: Starts violently singing I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy)

What? Do you really blame me for being upset that these lovable, yet annoying, dicks ruined my first chance to see Michael's dick? I didn't think so.

"Okay, okay, geeze. Ashton, Niall, and I were all at the coffee house talking and all of a sudden these two guys walk in looking for Michael. I told them that I was friends with him and asked what they wanted with him. The first guy, Calum, said that he was your older brother and he hadn't gotten the chance to meet your lovely boyfriend yet." Luke explains.

"I just have one question for you Luke." I say, walking over to where he was sitting on the couch. "Why did you bring them back here!?!?" I yell, pulling him up from the couch by the collar of his shirt.

"B-because I thought that i-it would be a n-nice gesture. For both of you. I-I'm sorry if it upset y-you." He stutters from fear.

"Goddamn it Luke." I mumble. I can't stay mad at the geek. It's near impossible.

"So." I say turning to Calum. "What's it gonna be? 'I don't like him.' 'I don't think he's good enough for you.' 'You better not fucking go near him or else I'll ground you.' Which is it Calum?" I ask snottily.

"None of the above." He says. "I just wanted to tell you that I support your decision to date Michael. You can clearly make decisions for yourself since you're 19 years old and not a fucking baby. And yes, I know I do treat you like a baby sometimes but that's only because I can't help it. I'm your older brother, that's what I'm meant to do."

"Well what made you change your mind? A week ago you didn't want me near him." I recant, not really believing what I was hearing.

"Actually, it was mostly thanks to this guy." He says, elbowing Zayn in the ribs, making him chuckle. "Yeah he kind of made me realize that I was being a dick when I hadn't even met Michael. He told me lots of great things about Michael and I decided that I was being an irrational asshole." He says, looking down at his lap with an almost guilty look on his face.

"You really told him that?" I asked Zayn.

"Well of course. When I heard that he didn't like the one thing that made you happiest in the world I got a little bit angry. Eventually, I finally shoved the truth into his thick ass head. Michael is the best guy for you, and you shouldn't have to be with anyone else for the rest of eternity, because Michael is the best you're gonna get." Zayn says, smiling at me.

"Wow. Thank you Zayn. You really are a great friend." I say, smiling back at him.

"Yeah so anyway." Calum says, standing up off the couch and walking over to Michael and I. "I'm, uh, Calum, Zoë's older brother." Calum introduces himself awkwardly, reaching out a hand for Michael to shake.

"I'm Michael, Zoë's boyfriend." Michael says, taking Calum's hand as they share their first ever physical contact.

Wow this was kind of awkward, yet, oddly relieving. I didn't have to worry about Calum disapproving my relationship with my one and only true love anymore.

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