Chapter Ten-Hunger

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My story got five comments on it, so as promised, here is the next chapter. Hope you like it :)

Chapter Ten-Hunger

            (Johnathan's pov)

            I looked over Amber's body; I suck in every aspect of her body. My wolf and I are saddened by her scars, but we comfort each other with thoughts of pride we have for our mate. She is a strong werewolf to have survived this far, she will be happy again. I will make sure of that.

            "Why aren't you repulsed by the sight of me?" she whispered. I hadn't noticed, but she turned around to face me and was using her arms to try and shield her body from me. I gently pulled her arms apart and drank in the sight of her lushes breasts. There are bruises around the nipples, most likely from my uncle gripping them too hard, but they are a decent size and they are all for me and only me.

            "Because you are a beautiful sight, never have I looked upon someone so beautiful. You may be covered in scars, but that makes you all the more appealing." I leant forward; close enough that if I moved an inch closer, our lips would be touching. "You are strong to have survived the torture you received." And then I did lean forward an inch.

            My lips crashed down on top of hers, sending sparks everywhere. It started off gently, but as soon as she gripped the back of my head, wriggling her non-too gently fingers through my hair, I pulled her as close to me as I could, rubbing my hands along her hips, feeling every scar that lays there. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. It was like something was controlling me, mostly likely my wolf and I couldn't stop it. Not that I wanted to. I knew that we couldn't go all the way, she wasn't ready for that just yet, but I will enjoy what she will give.

            It was maybe five more minutes of me gripping her legs and ass and her pulling on my hair before she gently pulled away and I let her, though not all the way. She allowed me to rest my hands on her hips and she rested her hands on my now bare chest. No idea when that happened.

            "No one has ever said that about me, except my wolf of course," she gently whispered to me. I reluctantly pulled my hands away from her tempting hips and pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ears. I smiled down at her.

            "Well, you have been locked up for the past thirteen years," I chuckled.

She just stared at me and I was afraid that I had gone to far as to tease her about her tortured past and my smirk faded, but then she laughed and I let out a relief filled breath. I just watched my beautiful mate as she laughed and laughed. For her to be able to laugh like this is such a huge relief for me. I continued to watch her as she slowly stopped laughing and started to cry. I instantly wrapped her into my arms and pulled her to the ground so I could cradle her to my chest. She cried so much that I could feel the tears running down my chest.

"Why are you crying, my love?" I asked as I rubbed her back. It seemed to help as she was quietening down, so I continued to do so.

"What did I do to deserve this life? Why must I bear all of this?" I could barely make out what she said.

"You did nothing to deserve any of this, but I will be here for you, always." I lifted her red and puffy face and looked deep into her eyes. "I will never leave you, I will never hurt you and I most certainly will never to anything to hurt Hope either." I gently kissed her on her forehead.

Amber laid her head back into the crook or my neck and I rocked her until she fell asleep. Will some difficulty, I managed to pick her up bridle style and carried her out of the bathroom. I laid her down on the largest bed and slowly dressed her in a large purple t-shirt I bought her and underwear. Then I went and did the same to Hope and placed her on one side of her mother and after removing my shirt and pants, keeping my boxers on, I laid down on the other side and wrapped them both in my arms. I gazed at them as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * *

            (Amber's pov)

            I awoke and stretched, but then stopped when I felt two strong arms wrapped around. It could only be one person. Dominick. He must've raped me again while I was asleep. I hate it when he does that; I mean it's good that I don't have to see him do it, but that also means that he does it really ruff and now I'm going to be in pain all day. I gently shifted my weight, but found it difficult because I was on a soft surface. Why am I on a soft surface? Did Dominick want some privacy for once and moved me to a different room, away from Hope? But then I felt a small movement in my arms and froze.

            My eyes shot open as my memories came back. I gazed down at Hope in my arms and gently pushed her away so I could turn around and there was my gorgeous saviour. Johnathan had his mouth open slightly, quietly snoring with drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. His hair was sticking up in every direction and I smiled at the sight. I slowly lifted my hands to graze his cheek and ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled my hand back when I felt him move, but he didn't open his eyes.

            "Don't stop, that felt nice," he whispered, almost dream like. I put my hand back and continued to run my fingers through his hair. He sighed and opened his eyes. I stared deep into his deep dark blue eyes, much like Dom's, but filled with love and devotion, not hatred. I was just about to lean in and kiss him senseless, when I felt Hope stir behind me.

            "Mummy, I hungry," she yawned. I sighed, there goes the mood.

A/N (Please read!!!!)

So what did you guys think? I know it's a bit short, the next few chapters will be short, sorry.

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