Chapter Twenty-Betrayal

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Chapter Twenty-Betrayal

(Ben's pov)

I sat on the ground and was trying to teach Hope how to pronounce her words in sentences better when Nick walked in through the door with a smirk on his face. I instantly jumped to my feet and pushed Hope behind me to protect her.

"What on Earth are you doing here?" I demanded. Nick is Johnathan's best friend, almost like a brother to him, but he doesn't know what I know. His mother was the one that let the rogue wolves know exactly where Amber and Sarah were going to be the night my beloved Sarah was murdered. I also know who his father is...

"That was a rude welcoming," he chuckled. "I came here to see my family, but sadly my family member is off with their mate in the woods." He walked around the room, inspecting it. "They might want to hurry it up and get back before the Alpha gets here."

"Why must you do this? You've always known who your family was and not just your blood family, but your real family." He tilts his head to the side in thought. "Like me and John. We've been your family since you were born."

"You've always known that I would turn out just like my mother, that's why you let me into your home, hoping you could change me even though you really wished to kill me for what my mother did to Sarah."

He laughed as I snarled at him, "Don't speak her name."

"Oh, I hit I nerve."

"You never answered my question."

"About why I'm doing this? Simple, I want my dad's approval. I want to be his favourite child from now on and if I help him do this, Alpha said I could be next in line for leader of the pack."

"Your father will never let that happen, you know that." I tried to persuade him, but he's stubborn, just like the rest of his family.

"I don't care! I'll take it by force if I have to! Now, let's go outside and greet the Alpha." From out of nowhere, Nick pulled out a gun and aimed it right at my head.

I picked up Hope and walked as calmly as I could outside, where I could already sense a lot of people gathered. No not people, werewolves. Cole brought his pawns.

* * *

(Amber's pov)

"Something's wrong, I can feel it," I panicked as I bolted up from my spot on the ground with Johnathan.

"What do you mean?" he asked, sounding more worried than panicked.

"I don't know!" I snapped, losing my patience a little, afraid of what's happening. He winced at my harsh tone. "Sorry, but I don't fully understand these powers I have. I just know that something wrong." I looked into his eyes and whispered, "We have to go back." Then I shifted into my magnificent wolf and ran back to our hideout. I didn't have to look back to know that Johnathan was close behind me.

When we burst through the trees surrounding our hideout, my father and ten other wolves stood in front of the entrance and I could sense at least two hundred more surrounding the area. But that wasn't what worried me, no, what worried me was Johnathan's father being restrained by two men and Dom's hand on my daughter's shoulder.

A deep menacing growl burst from my chest and as I took a step forward to attack Dom moved his hand from her shoulder and instead placed it around her neck. That stopped me in my place.

"Don't take another step, my goddess," he mocked. This time it was Johnathan who growled at Dom. "Don't you growl at me, boy. I can rip the girl's head off within a second."

Johnathan stepped back behind me and disappeared and then reappeared from behind a tree wearing black jeans that hung low on his waist.

"You won't do it," he said, confidently. "No matter how cold blooded you are, you wouldn't kill your own daughter."

Dom smirked and turned to crouch down in front of my little Hope, "Do you wish to come with me, my little one? To live with me and your mother?"

"No, I stay with Johnny," she answered, staring him unflinching in the eyes.

Dominick's smiled faded from his face into a scowl.

I'm proud of you, my little Hope, I sent to her.

She looked over at me and smiled at me just as Dom squeezed her neck so tightly her head nearly popped. He then shoved his hand right through her chest, killing her instantly.

Time froze as we all stood and watched as my daughter's body fell to the ground and landed with a silent thud.

I stared deep into her eyes, trying to find the light in them and when I found none, I tilted my head way back and howled out my sorrow and grief. I let Audreanna have the rains a little bit to add even more power to my call, making everyone around me and my wolf drop to their knees.

My howl stopped mid cry when I felt an arrow hit my chest, millimetres from the heart. Everyone stared at me and Johnathan ran to my side, assessing the wound. I rubbed my snout into the crock of his neck to assure him that I was fine.

"You'll be ok, my love," he patted me head. "You'll be ok."

I looked down at the arrow, wrapped my teeth around it and pulled it out, without feeling any pain. A red light shined through the wound, the light so bright it was blinding and when it disappeared, so did the wound.

It's one of our abilities, whispered Audreanna.

It's very useful, I murmured back.

I looked up and stared into Dominick's fear filled eyes. I nudged Johnathan out of the way and I crouched down before leaping at him.

The war had begun, and Dominick will die for what he has done.


The war has begun.

Things are heating up now ;)

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