Chapter Three-Birthday

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Chapter 3-Birthday

            Today is my birthday. Sometime today, I will shift into my wolf for the very first time. Sometime today, I will be free for the very first time in ten years. I can already taste the freedom on my bruised lips. The shift will happen any minute now.

I wonder what colour wolf I’ll turn into, or what sort. As an Alpha’s daughter, my wolf should be huge and the colour should be the colour of my mum’s wolf. My mother’s wolf’s colour was a dark brown with grey strikes running along her back; she was beautiful; I’ll be glad if I take after her. I’m just worried about my father. An Alpha’s daughter or son should be a massive wolf, just smaller than an Alpha, but because of all the abuse, I’ll most likely have a small and weak wolf to reflect the weakness inside me.

            “Happy birthday, my little Amber,” cheered my father. I untucked my head from the semi-warmth of my arms and looked at the smirk on my death welding father. “How are you today, birthday girl?”

‘Obviously I’m in a lot of pain’ is I wanted to snap, but instead I say, “I’m fine Alpha, how are you today?”

“I am very good. Today is my little girl’s birthday and you’re going to shift for the first time,” he walked over to me and gripped my neck, my whole body tensed up, “but don’t think for a second that you’re going to be able to escape. I’m going to have you in silver chains for the rest of the day, just until you change back into a human. You’ll never get out of here. Ever.”

I screamed. And screamed. And screamed. He backed away from me as my bones snapped every which way possible. The shift is upon me.

“Shit!” he yelled. “It’s not supposed to happen now! I was supposed to have time! Where’s the bloody chains I had?!” I could hear everything he was saying, everything he was rambling about. I tried to focus on his voice to block out the pain.

It wasn’t working.

I could feel every bone snapping and breaking and crunching, trying to move into a completely different place. I could hear the blood pumping around my body. I could see blood red fur sprouting from every corner of my body, arms and legs. I could taste blood in my mouth, from where my new set of canines pierced my dry cracked lips. I could smell the fear and horror coming off my father in waves. I didn’t understand it. What was to be so fearful about my shift?

I was still screaming, but my cries slowly turned into the growls of an animal, of a wolf, of an Alpha werewolf. I watched in wonder as I saw my once cracked and bloody hands turn into large wolf paws. At first I thought my paws were bleeding because of my hands, but then I realised that the colour of my wolf is red. Blood red wolf.

No one in the history of werewolves has ever had a Blood Wolf. I should know; I get all of my knowledge from my father. He may hate me, but I’m the only one he can talk to without fear of sounding pettish and getting embarrassed by his fellow pack members.

I stumbled towards a full body length mirror that my father had placed in my cell a few days ago. Probably for this very reason, or to make me repulsed by the sight of my own body. And it’s true. I took one look at my broken down body, the bruises, scars and the newly made wounds and I couldn’t stand the sight of it. I now stand before it again and gaze in wonder at the sight of my new wolf. She is beautiful. I am beautiful.

I could see dark brown fur sprouting out, mixing in with the red to make it look darker and even more blood like. What little light was in the room bounced off my fur, making it light up and seem brighter. My once grey and dead looking eyes returned to their natural state, for which I was very thankful of my wolf. My blood wolf is the size of an Alpha, only bigger, stronger looking.

I reluctantly looked away from the reflection of my wolf when I heard a noise coming from over where my father was standing in shock. To be honest, I had completely forgotten where I was or who was with me.

I didn’t know what to do, so I let my wolf take over control. Not completely, so I can still grab control off her, but just enough so that she can do what she has to do to get us out of here.I will save you Amber, my wolf whispered to me in my mind. I will save us both from this torture.

What’s your name? I asked my wolf. I could already guess that it would be something strong and majestic.

My name is Audreanna, for strength and nobility. I was right about it being a strong name. I will not kill our father, but only because he is still our Alpha and the only way I can kill him is if I challenge him and we do not have time for that.

I watched through Audreanna’s eyes as she growled at my father, warning him not to step any closer to us. He did not listen. My dad held the silver chains he was planning on putting on me before I shifted and he was holding them out in front of himself as he stepped closer and closer towards me. Big mistake. Audreanna leapt at my father, dodged the silver chains by jumping over my father.

I could see that dad had still left the cell door locked, but it didn’t seem to faze Audreanna. She charged the door, all the while with me yelling at her in our minds to not do it, she didn’t listen and I’m thankful she didn’t. My wolf broke down the door and clattered to the ground.

That door was heavier then it looked, mumbled Audreanna.

At least you broke through, I told her.She only growled in response.

I heard a growl behind us and Audreanna flipped around to see my father shift into his Alpha size brown and white wolf. He crotched down into a pouncing position, but just he lept towards me, Audreanna bolted up a set of stairs that I failed to notice. I could feel my heart pumping, fuelling my energy to run faster, to run away from the man that was supposed to protect me but instead hurt me.

Audreanna ran up the stairs while I was planting millions of pictures into our heads about what our father would do to us if he caught us. That only made Audreanna ran faster and growl at me in our shared mind. At least she’s moving faster now.

I don't know how we managed to get out of that place, but we did. Audreanna followed the scent of our father, only backwards. Dad would come down here all the time, the scent of where he walked to get there was freshly laid and easy to follow to the exit. Audreanna burst out of the very last door that blocked out path and we both howled in delight at the sight of the sun setting behind the trees I've never gotten to see before. But we didn't stop to admire the scenery. We kept on running, we never stopped, not even to catch a breath or to drink water from a little river we ran passed.

Audreanna may be new to my mind and soul, but we have waited fourteen years to be free. We will not stop running until we collapse with exhaustion, until we are miles away from the man who would cut into my skin because he was bored. Only then will we be truly safe and free.

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