Chapter Nineteen-Together

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Chapter Nineteen-Together

            (John's pov)

            "And you know that I will be next to you." I walked right up to my mate; much like Nick did and laid my hand on her cheek. I smiled at her. "As your mate."

I'll never let you go, I thought.

I hope not, growled Axton, my wolf. Otherwise I might have to find a new human.

Oh shut up, I'm the best human you'll ever have.

Axton just scoffed in response.

"Let's get you inside, princess," smiled Nick. Most guys would feel threatened when a male talks like that to their mates, but not me. I have nothing to worry about because I know that fact that Nick is gay.

"I remember that name," gasped Amber. "You used to call me that all the time."

"Yes, I did. Now, let's get you inside." He started to lead her back inside, but she stopped and looked at me.

"I don't want to go inside. I want to go for a run with my mate." She smiled and run into the trees. I watched as she shifted into her gorgeous red wolf, shredding her cloths in the process.

"What she wants, she gets," I shrugged at Nick, when he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Could you please leave a pair of cloths outside for us when we get back?" I didn't wait for his response; I just shifted into my wolf and chased after my mate.

It didn't take me that long to catch up to her, since she slowed down to wait for me. Side by side, we ran through the woods, watching everything around us. Watching each other. We stayed silent and could only hear the thundering of our footsteps bounding into the Earth. When we came to a stream, we slowed down and drank from the stream. I lay down beside it and watched small fish swim by.

Amber came and sat down beside me and curled up to my side. I purred in delight and rubbed my nose into her neck, taking in her sweet pleasurable scent. I got up and pushed her down and under me, while I laid over her stomach and continued to rub my nose into her neck.  She quivered underneath me and shifted back into human form. I followed soon after and pressed myself against her as much as I could. I rubbed my growing erection against her thigh and groaned when she lifted her hips to meet my thrust.

Reluctantly, I pulled back away from her and looked down at her confused face.

"Why'd you stop?" she panted. She had her hands on my back and was gently rubbing her legs against mine.

"Are you sure you're ready? I only got you out about a week ago," I responded.

"And in the past week or so you have saved me and shown me that I can trust you. I know I haven't known you for long, but you are my mate and I know that I love you already."

I sat frozen on top of her when I heard her words. She said that she loves me. Amber loves me? Fuck, this is the best day of my life. I snap out of my frozen state and attack her lips with mine.

"I love you too," I mumbled against them. I felt her smiled against my lips.

I ran my hands up and down her hips, massaging them and building tension. My already hard on got even harder when I heard a sweet moan escape her lips. I rocked my hips against hers and moaned when the tip of my dick traced the outside of her entrance. I lowered my right hand until it reached its destination. I stuck one finger into her wet, tight pussy and gently inserted another.

"You're so wet already baby," I whispered into her ear.

"Please," she begged, "I need you inside me, now!"

And like the good gentleman I am, I was more than happy to follow her command. I positioned myself at her entrance and slowly entered her. I moaned at the sensation of having her tight pussy around my dick. I paused as to let her get more comfortable with my size and to get used to how gentle I can be and not viscous like Dom was.

"You can start moving now," she panted as she already began to move her own hips up to take more of me in. I pulled out until only my tip was still in before I slammed back down. I continued to do this as the sounds of her moans and groans, as well as mine, filled the woods. She wrapped her legs around my waist, trying to pull me even closer as we neared our climax.

"I-I'm go-gonna-a c-cum," she managed to pant out.

"Cum for me baby!" I growled out as Axton came to the surface.

As she came all around me and me release soon followed, I slammed my mouth onto her neck and but her, marking her as mine for all those to see.

* * *

            (Amber's pov)

            Johnathan and I lay on the forest floor, wrapped up in each other's arms, neither of us saying anything, not wanting to disrupt the silence of the forest. We listened to all the sounds around us but stayed aware to each other's breaths. I loved listening to his heart beat and even now it is still beating fast.

            "Are you ok?" he asked me.

            "A little sore," I admitted, "but I feel perfect."

            "That's because you are perfect, my love." I smiled and snuggled in deeper into his arms.

I never want this moment to end, I thought to myself. But sadly, everything that's good must come to an end at some point.


So, what did you guys think of this chapter?

Only a few more chapters to go and then this story is at an end :( How sad?

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