Chapter Seventeen-Plans

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Chapter Seventeen-Plans

            (Dominick's pov)

            That basted of a nephew stole my mate and my child! My mate was perfectly happy, perfectly safe living in my basement, sleeping in a cage where no werewolf can get her and Johnathan just waltz's in and steals her from me. How dare he do this to me?

            I had in no way treated her wrong and she thanked me by giving me a child, a little girl that had my eyes.

            I still remember that night when I first saw her. She looked like a goddess, naked in all her glory, her hair like fire in ice and those dark eyes that screamed of lust for him. Just seeing her naked and he knew that she was freely giving herself to him, but only if he was strong enough to handle her and by god, he made sure that he was.

            That first night I took her as mine was that greatest night of my life. Her screams of encouragement, her pleasure filled moans and her seductive smile. There was no doubt that that goddess was his and his alone.

            The fact that his nephew stole her from me is the first act of war. The second was the fact that he stole my child as well, who looked so much like her mother and who may join with me like her mother. Eventually my mate will age and loss her beauty, but our child will grow into her mother's figure and when she does, she will become my new goddess.

            My goddess would never leave me. I will get her back, even if I have to kill my nephew to do it.

            (Cole's pov)

            How could my own Beta betray me like this? He sided with his basted son and my daughter. All three of them are traitors to this pack. Most of my pack members are now in the infirmary because of their escape. How could the three of them take down a whole pack? And considering my pack is the strongest in the world, it seems even more unlikely.

They had to have had more help from other pack members. Most likely from those that aren't injured.

I was pacing my office after being briefed by my third in command, now second in command, when my phone went off in my pocket. I dug it out, looked at the screen, but didn't recognise the number.

            "Hello?" I asked into the phone.

            "Hello Alpha, its Dom. Please don't saying anything until you hear what I have to say." I was a little shocked to hear from Dom, seeing as how he never comes to the pack house anymore. "My nephew I believe is now an enemy of the pack. That girl he was claiming is his mate is in fact my mate and he stole her from me. If you are going to war to get your daughter back, I would like to join in, so I can get her back to me. She is my mate, so she belongs to me."

            "How do you know my daughter is your mate?" I asked, once he had finished talking.

            "When I first saw her, I felt the connection and I know that she did to. At that time, I didn't know that she was your daughter; otherwise I would've brought her straight to you to get your permission for us to be together. Then when my nephew was visiting, when she came home and he saw her, he knocked me out and stole her from me. I could hear her screaming for help, screaming for me. Alpha, sir, she is my mate and she needs me just as much as I need her."

            "Very well Dominick."


I'm sorry for how short this chapter is, it is more of just a filler chapter

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