Chapter Thirteen-Anger

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Chapter Thirteen-Anger

(Cole's pov)

I cannot believe that my own daughter is a slut. I cannot believe that she would run away from me, after I'll I have gone through to teach her and to keep her safe. She runs away to go and whore around with Dominick and of course she gets pregnant. That little girl of hers, I can just look at her and tell that she is going to grow up just like her mother.

I will not let that happen.

No matter how much I despise my own daughter for killing her own mother, I will not let my granddaughter follow in her footsteps. I will do whatever it takes to make sure my granddaughter takes after me; I will do whatever it takes to control my daughter once again.

* * *

(Hope's pov)

Why must Grandad be so mean to Mummy? She did nothing but love him and she regrets the death of her Mummy, even though it wasn't her fault.

Mummy is always in so much pain, although she tries her hardest to hide it from me. She doesn't like the fact that my Daddy hurts her in front of me. And I understand exactly what he does to her. I would like to think that I am smart for my age. I can walk by myself, although my speech isn't the best, Mummy says I have a mind of a thirteen year old. I don't know how she would know that though, unless she can somehow read minds like I can.

I wish Mummy was happier. I know that Johnathan will treat her right; she just needs to let him in.

* * *

(Johnathan's pov)


The Alpha always seemed so kind and loving. Now he's true colours are shown. He's a dick. I cannot believe that he treats his own daughter like she is a piece of dirt. She is more then he will ever be. My mate has been hurt so much by her father. I think his betrayal hurts even more then the torture she went through for years. I know it would hurt me is my father did that to me.

Speaking of my father, maybe he could help us. I know it is against the pack law to go against your Alpha, but my father would have to make an exception. He's best friend is not what he thinks.

'Dad?' I asked through the pack link.

'John? Is that you?' he replied.

'Yes, I need you to listen to me.'

'Of course son, what's wrong?'

'The Alpha is nuts.'


'Dad?' Why won't he answer me?

'What makes you say that?' Finally he replied.

'You know how everyone thought that the Alpha's daughter, Amber, died when she was four?'

'Of course I know that. My best friend was a wreck after his mate and daughter died.'

'He lied. Amber is alive, she's my mate. Alpha had kept her locked up since she was four. I found her in Uncle Dominick's basement a few days ago.'


'Where are you now?' his dad asked.

'In the pack house dungeons, I think. The Alpha locked us in here when he found us in the forest running.'

Five seconds later, my father burst into the cell, panic clear on his face.

"Johnathan!" he ran over to me and hugged me as best as he could.

"Hey dad," I smiled at him. "Amber, this is my father Ben. Dad, this is my mate Amber. Want to get us out of here dad, please?"

"I will try, but first I want you to tell me what happened to Amber." I looked over at Amber, who had slowly stopped crying. It killed that I couldn't go over there to comfort her.

"Is that ok with you Amber? I won't tell him anything if you don't won't me to." I shifted me gaze over at Hope and back again; a silent message to see if she wanted my father to know about his brother raping my mate.

"It's not ok, but he needs to know. Tell him what I told you." She fell silent after that, not being able to listen to the tortures of her life again.

After I finished explaining to my father, a lot of emotions crossed over his face. Shock, rage, anger, disgust, sadness and regret. He looked close to tears.

"I'm so sorry I didn't figure it out sooner Amber, I could've spared you all this pain. I will help you."


Sorry, this was just more of a filler chapter then anything. Hope you still liked it.

I would really appreciate it if I could get at least three comments on this chapter :)

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