Chapter Four-Audreanna

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Chapter Four-Audreanna

            Audreanna had finally let me have control back. I could've taken it back at any time, but Audreanna wanted to make sure that we were far enough from my dad. We were defiantly far enough. It was past nightfall, almost midnight and we've been running none stop since we escaped. Now I've settled us into a slow jog while my ears a pricked up, listening out for any signs of danger.

            After a few moments of not picking up on anything, I search for a place to sleep for the rest of the night. Then tomorrow I will get help from Audreanna and hunt for some food and water. I don’t know what I will do now. I don’t have any other family that I know of, and there is no way I would return back to my father, my home.

            I wondered the forest for at least another hour before I came across a mountain of boulders and rocks in the shape of a small cave. I trotted over towards the entrance and realised the only way I would fit in there is if I shifted back into my human form.

Won’t I freeze? I asked Audreanna.

No. The body heat of our wolf form will keep us warm in this little hole, chuckled my Blood Wolf. I could see her smiling at my question in our minds.

I sighed, but because I was still in wolf form it sounded more like I was breathing really heavily. I concentrated on my human form; the way my body sways when I move, the curves of my hips, and the many scars all over my body, all the while I felt the encouragements of Audreanna. I felt warmth spread out all over my body and I closed my eyes at the joy I felt while I was shifting. When I reopened them, I looked down to see my human body, but I looked away instantly. I can’t stand the sight of all the scars on my body, but at least, I noticed, that all my other wounds had healed into new fresh scars. That way, no blood will drip down if I accidently reopen them.

We still look beautiful Amber, comforted Audreanna.

“No, you look beautiful. I do not,” I said sadly. I appreciated Audreanna trying to cheer me up, but the fact is that my body is so broken down and covered in scars that I don’t think anyone would willingly look at me. I started to shiver, standing out in the cold, so I crawled into the little cave or hole as Audreanna called it. I curled in on myself and wrapped my arms around my sore and tired limbs.

We are one of the same. In both forms, we dominate everyone with our beauty. Our scars make us look tough and strong. We are both and if no one thinks we look strong, I will take care of them for you, my dear Amber.

“Why would you pick me as your human? I am weak from what my father has done too me, I will never be as strong as you think I am.” It’s sad that I think this way about myself, but I can’t help it. The trauma of what my father has done to me for the past ten years is almost impossible to live with.

I picked you for your soul. I see a strong willed human who would stop at nothing to protect those she cares for and herself. You see yourself as someone of low value, some broken, damaged thing. If that was true, why would we have such a large and rare coloured wolf? We are special; no one will harm us again.

She spoke too soon.

A loud growled echoed all around the area of the forest. I shot my head up so fast I almost hit it on the roof of the cave. I forced my whole body to freeze up as my eyes rapidly watched all visible areas, looking for intruders or worse, my father. But I couldn’t find any familiar scents, so it defiantly wasn’t my father. That was good, wasn’t it?

It wasn’t good by far.

A dark brown, almost black, wolf steps out from the shadows of the trees. The only way I even managed to see him was because the moonlight shined onto his bright beautiful eyes. Just by the colour of his wolf, I could tell that he was a high ranking werewolf. Not an Alpha or related to one, but maybe a Beta (second in command) or Theta (third in command). I still lay frozen in the cave I was planning to sleep in and I refused to move, I didn’t want this stranger to see my naked flesh.

Werewolves are supposed to be comfortable enough to strip naked in front of a complete stranger, but I wasn’t raised in the werewolf community, I’m not used to that kind of display. So I was kind of shocked and surprised when the wolf shifted back into his human form and didn’t mind that he was displaying his little friend.

“Who are you? Why are you trespassing on Mountain Valley Pack’s territory?” questioned the still naked man. I admit that I had trouble looking away from his member. Not because I was attracted to him, but because I’ve never seen one before. That sounds weird, but it’s true. “Come out of there, rouge.”

I could’ve easily resisted his command, seeing as how I ranked much higher than he did, but that’s when I registered what he had said. The Mountain Valley Pack is my father’s pack. I haven’t escaped, I’m not free.

“I am no one of your concern. I didn’t realise I was on anyone’s territory,” I said as I slowly crawled out of my little hidey-hole. I wanted to be able to shift and run at a moment’s notice. And the only way to do that is if I’m out of the cave. No matter how much I hated showing my body to someone. I watched the stranger as I stepped in the moonlight, I watched him as he took in all of my body. Every. Last. Detail.

“Then what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here?” he took slow steps towards me, almost like he was stalking me. And with the danger signals I’ve been getting from me wolf, he very well might be.

“I was trying to find a safe place to sleep for the night. Then I was going to leave first thing tomorrow morning, but I can leave now since it’s someone’s territory.”

I started to walk away, with my back turned towards the man. That was a mistake. I was about to shift into my wolf when I felt a presence behind me. I filled my lungs with air, prepared to scream. Just as I moved forward to ran, I felt two strong arms wrap around me. One around my neck, cutting off any chance of screaming, but also cutting off my air way. The other arm was wrapped around my waist, dangerously low if you ask me.

“You can stay with me, little girl,” he whispered into my ear with his hot breathe. “I’ll keep you safe from harm.” I could feel my body losing energy and breathe. I couldn’t fight him anymore. My eyes started to drift close. My last thought was: I just got free, now I’m going to be back in chains. Then my world went black.


I don't think I'll be able to update for a while. I have to study for exams and all that. Plus I have a lot of personal stuff going on and so I'm going to be freaing out for a little bit.

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