Chapter Sixteen-Mindreading

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Chapter Sixteen-Mindreading

            (Amber's pov)

            I woke up with a start. For a moment I thought I was back in my cell and that my father was coming to hurt me. The room looked just like me cell, but then the figure of John lying next to me came into view and I knew that I was safe with him. I looked around the room and saw Hope lying not too far from me and she was awake also, with her eyes pinned on me.

            "You OK mummy?" she whispered.

In response, I rolled off the mattress I was sleeping on and crawled over to where she was sleeping. I curled up behind her and wrapped her in my arms. She twisted around until she was face-to-face with me.

"It's OK mummy." She patted my hair. "No one can hurt you now; John will always protect you."

I tried my hardest not to cry, but I couldn't stop the one or two tears that fell from my eyes. Soon a whole river of tears fell and I sobbed uncontrollably, my body shaking while I was trying to be less quiet and not wake up Johnathan and his father. It didn't work though.

"Amber?" mumbled John, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Amber, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I was just struggling to stay sane and not drift away.

"Mummy can't talk," Hope said for me. God, I love that child.

"Why can't she talk?" I feel like I'm going insane, that's why.

"Mummy feel like she's insane." Wow, she read my mind.

"How do you know that?" Johnathan asked.

"Because mummy said so, in her mind." What does she mean by that? Is she using the pack link somehow? "No mummy, I don't use pack link."

I knew it, I thought. That's why she always knew what I was feeling.

"Wow, must be because you're the Blood Wolf's daughter," mumbled Johnathan.

"But what is a Blood Wolf?" I asked, finally finding my voice.

"The Blood Wolf is a very strong and special wolf that only appears when a werewolf child has been greatly betrayed by a loved one. The last one that lived was over two hundred years ago," answered Ben. The three of us stop and turned to stare at John's father. I hadn't even noticed that he woke up. "Blood Wolves have many different abilities, it shouldn't come as a shock that their children would as well."

"So I'm a super bad-ass chick that can turn into a giant blood red wolf and now my daughter can read minds because of it?"

"Pretty much, although I suspect that Hope has other abilities as well. Over time they will develop, as will your abilities."

"What kind of abilities will I have?" I asked.

"Each Blood Wolf is different, so I don't know."


(Johnathan's pov)

My mate just seems to be getting more powerful by the second. Now her daughter is as well. Wow, I'm so lucky. Well, at least I don't have to worry about Amber not being able to protect herself, so that's a bonus.

I wonder what sort of abilities she will have, I thought to myself.

"I need some time to myself," whispered Amber. I looked deep into her scared and horrified eyes. I gently patted her back in comfort. She smiled in thanks. "I'll be right back." She got up and I watched her head upstairs leading outside. When she was out of sight, I followed her with my ears, listening at every footstep she took until she slammed the metal door shut. I sighed and brought my attention back to my father.

"Why didn't you tell me about Amber and her powers?"

"I was kind of busy getting our asses out of the pack house," my father snapped. There was something in his eyes though; it was like he purposely withheld this information about my mate. I looked away. "Oww!"

I looked back and I saw Hope standing right in front of my crouched father, who now had a Hope sized hand print on his cheek.

"No swearing! It's naughty!" she yelled in his face. I laughed at his expression, but covered it up with a cough when he glared at me.

"OK, I'm sorry Hope, I won't swear again," he mumbled.

She nodded, satisfied with his answer. Then she turned to me, but didn't say a word. But I knew what she was telling me: there was something about Amber that my father doesn't want to talk about.

And I will find out what that something is.


Please can I have at least three comments or it'll be a while before I update again.

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